结合工厂典型实际加工零件,根据零件特点并分析现有零件检测方法的局限性,研究设计了一种新型轴类零件综合检测仪。它采用两顶尖装夹定位被测零件,通过光、电、机相结合的设计制造方法,采用不同的光栅传感器分别在X向、Z向和绕Z轴的旋转方向进行检测,同时并采用高精度的数据采集卡进行数据采集,选用USB接口实现了计算机与数据采集设备之间的通信。借助Windows系统为平台,软件部分的设计采用Lab VIEW图形化编程语言为工具,根据检测项目设计了不同的检测子程序,并对采集的数据进行处理,同时开发了友好的人机交互界面,以数字化的形式显示检测结果,并自动判别零件是否合格。新型轴类零件综合检测仪满足现代机械加工检测需求,高效、自动化的实现了如:锥度、圆度、圆柱度、同轴度、圆跳动等传统轴类测量不能实现的项目。
A new integrated detector for shaft parts was designed, according to the characteristics of parts and the limitations of existing detection methods. It used two centers to clamp and position the part measured. Detecting is finished by different grating sensors in the X direction, Z direction and the direction of rotation about the Z axis, and at the same time high preci- sion data acquisition card was used for data collection, the communication between the computer and data acquisition de- vices was achieved by USB interface. With the help of Windows system platform, the software part of the design used Lab- VIEW graphical programming language as a tool. The detector designed different detection subroutine, and then dealt with the data collected, automatically checked the quality. The new shaft integrated detector meets the needs of modern machi- ning and detecting, realizes taper, roundness, circular cylinder, coaxial, round and so on efficiently and automatically.
Modern Machinery