目的通过对钦州市钦南区首起布鲁氏菌病疫情进行流行病学调查分析,探索布鲁氏菌病在低流行地区的流行特征,为制定该病的防治措施提供科学依据。方法采用现场流行病学调查方法对钦州市钦南区发生的2例布鲁氏菌病例进行调查分析。结果 2015年钦州市钦南区报告2例布鲁氏菌病病例,年发病率为0.40/10万,均为男性青壮年;发病时间在3~4月,符合布鲁氏菌病的流行季节和易感人群特征。其中1例为实验室确诊病例,并有明显的传染线索。另1例为疑似布病病例,传染线索欠明确。结论钦州市钦南区首次发生布鲁氏菌病疫情,需要及时采取防控措施,加大布病宣传教育力度,加强医务人员业务培训,提高人们的防治意识,预防控制布病在本地区的蔓延。
Objective To analyze the epidemic of brucellosis in Qinnan District of Qinzhou for exploring the characteristics of brucellosis in low epidemic area and provide preventing and controlling measures for brucellosis. Methods Methods of field epi- demiology investigation were used to analyze tow cases found in Qinnan District. Results Tow case were reported in Qinnan Dis- trict in 2015 and the brucellosis morbidity was 0. 40/100 000. Tow cases were young men and attacked by brucella from March to April, which accorded with the epidemic season and susceptible populations of brucellosis. One case was confirmed by laboratory and infected by evident transmission routes. The other one was suspected case and his transmission routes were unde- fined. Conclusion It' s the first outbreak for brucellosis occurring in Qinnan District. We should take prevention and control measures immediately and enhance the education of brucellosis, the training of medical staffs, and the awareness of brucellosis prevention of public, so we could control the spread of brucellosis in local area.
Journal of Medical Pest Control