
高州市一起学校乙型流感聚集性疫情的流行病学调查 被引量:2

Epidemiological investigation of the epidemic situation of influenza B in a school in Gaozhou
摘要 目的调查分析一起学校乙型流感聚集性疫隋的原因和特征,为学校流感疫隋的防控提供依据。方法对高州市某城区小学近期有多名学生出现高热、咳嗽等症状的疫情开展流行病学调查,对9名症状典型病例采集咽拭子标本进行病原学检测。结果该校先后有10名学生出现高热、咳嗽等流感样症状,集中分布于1幢教学楼一层的一个班级,9名病例的咽拭子样本有6例检出乙型流感病毒核酸阳性。结论这是一起由乙型流感病毒引起的学校聚集性疫情,发病原因与首发病例发病后仍旧回校上课,同班学生与其密切接触造成传播有关。早发现、早报告、早隔离和接种流感疫苗是控制流感疫情的重要措施。 Objective To investigate the causes and characteristics of the epidemic situation of influenza B in school, and provide the basis for the prevention and control of influenza. Methods An epidemiological investigation was car- ried out on the epidemic situation of fever, cough and other symptoms in a primary school in a city of Gaozhou. The pathogens were collected from 9 typical cases. Results The school has 10 students appear high fever, cough and other flu like symptoms, which is mainly distributed in the 1 teaching building a layer of a class, nine cases of pharyngeal swab samples are detected in 6 cases of influenza B virus nucleic acid positive. Conclusions It is caused by influenza B virus in a school aggregation epidemic, cause of disease and the first case after the onset Still back to school, class- mate and close contact with the propagation caused by related. Early detection, early reporting, early quarantine and vaccination are important measures to control the epidemic of influenza.
作者 江进权
出处 《河南预防医学杂志》 2017年第3期218-219,238,共3页 Henan Journal of Preventive Medicine
关键词 乙型流行性感冒 聚集性 流行病学调查 Iinfluenza B Aggregation Epidemiological survey
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