

The Study of Public Opinions in the Process of Land Property Rights Reformation in England
摘要 近代早期英国开启了一场从模糊的混合土地产权到明晰的私人土地产权的变革,这场以圈地运动为主要表现形式的变革,对当时仍是以土地利益为核心的英国社会产生了巨大影响,引起了社会各界的高度关注。在基督教神学思想、共同体思想以及空想社会主义思想的影响下,16世纪英国涌现了一股反对圈地的社会舆论。随着17世纪个人自由和个人财产权利成为社会的核心理念,社会舆论逐渐转向支持圈地。17世纪中叶,英国废除了封建土地保有制,私人土地产权初步确立,关于圈地的舆论从此销声匿迹。 England had started a reformation from a kind of mixed property rights to private property rights in the early modern period. This reformation in the form of enclosure made an important influence on the society which the land interest was the key problem and aroused great concern. Under the influence of Christian theology, commonwealth and Utopian socialism, anti-enclosure public opinions had sprung up in the sixteenth century. With the individual freedom and private property rights became the core idea of the society in the seventeenth century, the public opinions turned to support enclosure. In the middle of the seventeenth century, the tenure was abolished and the private property rights were established. From then on, the public opinions about the enclosure were disappeared.
作者 吉喆 张莹
出处 《历史教学(下半月)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第2期61-67,共7页 History Teaching
基金 2015年度国家社会科学基金重大项目"资本主义时代欧洲农业经济组织研究"(项目编号:15ZDB061)的阶段性成果 河南师范大学博士科研启动基金资助
关键词 社会舆论 土地产权 圈地运动 Public Opinions, Land Property Rights, Enclosure
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  • 7G.Slater, The English Peasantry and the Enclosure of Common Fields, New York, 1968, p.85.
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