

Research Based on Two-Stage Supply Chain of Carbon Emission Quota and Wholesale Price Contract
摘要 考虑供应链中的制造商所在市场环境有碳排放限制,研究了此约束下批发价格契约的两级供应链协调问题。分别讨论了无碳限额和有碳限额两种情况批发价格契约模型的性质。通过对上述问题的研究得出以下结论:无碳限额情形下,文中基于批发价格契约,存在使得供应链系统最佳利润的最优订货量值;存在碳限额情形,制造商在限额条件下的产品最佳生产量不会高于没有碳限额的生产量;政府制定者设定的限额应低于公司的最优决策时的碳排放量。 Considering the manufacturer is given a quota of carbon emission in the environment of manufacturing,the research is being done to study the coordination of wholesale price contract under this restriction. In discussion,this article points out the influence on the wholesale price contract with two different conditions of carbon emission,unrestricted and restricted. The research leads to the following conclusions: under the condition of unrestricted carbon emission,the profit will be maximized due to the great amount of orders that suppliers receive; in contrast,the restricted carbon emission condition will lead to less profit being created than the unrestricted condition. The government is suggested to set the limitation of manufacturing so that the carbon emission of manufacturing is within the range of restriction.
作者 张鑫磊
机构地区 天津科技大学
出处 《物流工程与管理》 2017年第2期73-74,共2页 Logistics Engineering and Management
关键词 排放限额 批发价格契约 两级供应链 carbon emission restriction wholesale price contract two-stage supply chain
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