
中国五帝史研究综述 被引量:2

A Research Review of Chinese Five Emperors' Times
摘要 这里说的五帝时代,指的是司马迁《史记·五帝本纪》所记载的黄帝、颛顼、帝喾、尧、舜生活的时代。这段历史是中国历史的源头,从汉代到今天一直备受人们重视。西汉司马迁的《五帝本纪》、西晋皇甫谧的《帝王世纪》、南宋罗泌的《路史》,是中国封建时期五帝时代研究的重要成果。20世纪初,中国史学走上了现代化的道路。以顾颉刚为代表的"古史辨派"对中国封建时代的五帝研究进行了反思,提出了"层累的古史观",认为司马迁所记载的这段历史带有浓厚的神话色彩,是商周到秦汉时期的学者如积薪般累积起来的,是伪造的,不可靠的。"古史辨派"打破了人们对五帝时代历史的传统认识,中国学者在废墟的基础上开始了艰难的五帝史重建工作,至今已走过了百年的历程。在这一百年里,五帝史研究在历史学、考古学、神话学、环境科学等方面取得了不少成果,为科学的五帝史系统的建立创造了条件。 The Five Emperors’ times mentioned here refers to Huang Di, Zhuan Xu, Di Ku, Yao and Shun’s times recorded in Sima Qian’s Biographic Sketches of Five Emperors in Historical Records. This period of history is the source of Chinese history, which has been valued from the Han Dynasty to present days. Sima qian ’ s Biographic Sketches of Five Emperors in the Western Han Dynasty,Huangfu Mi ’ s Imperial Century in the Western Jin Dynasty and Luo Bi’ s Lu Shi in the Southern Song Dynasty are the important research results of Five Emperors ’ times in China ’ s feudal era. In the early 20th century, Chinese historiography embarked on the way to modernization. School of Discrimination of Ancient History, represented by Gu Jiegang, had reflection on the study of Five Emperors’ times in China’s feudal era and put forward “layered view of ancient history”. They thought that this history recorded by Sima Qian has a strong mythological element, which was built bit by bit by scholars from the Shang and Zhou Dynasties to the Qin and Han Dynasties and turned out to be fake and unreliable. School of Discrimination of Ancient History broke the traditional understanding of Five Emperors’ times. On the basis of ruins, Chinese scholars have started the difficult reconstruction of Five Emperors ’ history for one hundred years. During the one hundred years, the study of Five Emperors ’ history has made a lot of achievements in history, archaeology, mythology, environmental science and creates the conditions for the establishment of a scientific history of the Five Emperors system.
作者 付希亮
出处 《渭南师范学院学报》 2017年第5期42-47,76,共7页 Journal of Weinan Normal University
基金 国家社科后期资助项目:图腾分析路径下中国五帝文明及其起源综合研究(16FZS002)
关键词 《史记》 五帝时代 《五帝本纪》 “古史辨派” 苏秉琦 Historical Records Five Emperors times Biographic Sketches of Five Emperors in Historical Records School of Discrimination of Ancient History Su Bingqi
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