

The Debate about Unification and Secession between Zhou and Qin in Historical Records
摘要 公元前384年,秦献公问鼎秦公宝座,自此,积贫积弱之边鄙秦国拉开了大国崛起的帷幕。秦献公十一年,周太史儋西入秦国,在拜会献公时,作出了"始秦与周合而别,别五百岁复合,合十七岁而霸王者出焉"的断言。周秦之"合""别"该当何解?太史儋之言辞性质如何?是谓霸王,所为何指?学界争论下为求钩深取极,辨正然否,从周代礼制、官制官职、秦之建国以及战国中后期秦国国情等几个方面对上述问题进行剖析,以获得更接近历史真相之答案。 The Warring States reflected competing powers, the world trend changed unpredictably and the different fate of countries relied on their own masters. In 384 BC,a powerful lord of the Qin kingdom, Qin Xiangong, won the throne. Since then, the remote and weak country opened the curtain of the rise of the great powers. In the eleventh year of Qin Xiangong, an official historian called Dan marched westward into the Qin kingdom. He called on the offer when he visited Qin Xiangong and made a prediction that “At the beginning,Qin had depended on Zhou,then it broke away from Zhou. After 500 years, they unified and became one country. 17 years later,a great conqueror appears.” After more than one thousand years, when time passed by and life changed, the assertion has gradually become a mystery. The question perplexed the academic circles. The debate about unification and secession between Zhou never stops for a rest. How about Taishi Dan' s remarks. For the sake of his remarks 5 significance, from the etiquette system and the government offices in the Zhou dynasty, and the foundation of the Qin dynasty and the situation of the middle and late Qin dynasty,the paper analyzes to get the answer which is more close to the historical truth.
作者 王妍
出处 《渭南师范学院学报》 2017年第5期66-70,共5页 Journal of Weinan Normal University
关键词 《史记》 秦国 太史儋 周秦“合”“别” 霸王 Historical Records Qin historical official named Dan unification and secession between Zhou and Qin conqueror
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