新优59号(乐都608)是以M-79为母本、F-79为父本杂交选育的西瓜新品种,该品种全生育期70 d,果实发育期28 d,生长势中等,耐低温高湿性强,易坐果整齐,膨瓜快。第1雌花节位8节,雌花节位间隔4~5节。单瓜质量6~8 kg,果近圆形,果皮浅绿色覆墨绿色条带,成熟时有白色蜡粉,果皮厚1.1 cm左右,韧性好,耐储运。红瓤,肉质脆嫩爽口,中心可溶性固形物含量11%,耐裂,适应性强。种植区域广,可在全国各西瓜栽培主产区推广种植,适合露地、地膜覆盖栽培,也可作大、小拱棚保护地栽培。
Xinyou No.59 (Ledu 608) is a new water^nelon cultivar breeding by M -79 as female parent and F-79 as male parent. Its period of duration is 70 days with medium growth potential of plant and strong resistance to low temperature and high humidity. It is simple to bear fruit and the fruits grow fast. The first female flower locates at the 8th at stem node and its interval is 4-5 node. The round fruit is 6-8 kg in weight. The pericarp is light green with atrovirens stripe on, and with white wax powder on when the fruit was matured. The thickness of pericarp is about 1.1 cm with good tenacity and good resistance to storage and transportation. The flesh is red and tastes crisp and tender, tasty and refreshing with the 11% in central soluble solids content, resistance to break and well-adapted. It has wide plant area and can be generalized in national watermelon main producing areas. It is suitable for planting in the open field, plastic film mulching field, and big or small shed protected field.
Journal of Changjiang Vegetables