
基于GPS和GIS技术的冬季和夏季牧场牦牛牧食行为研究 被引量:7

Study on Yak's Grazing Behavior in Summer and Winter Pasture Using GPS and GIS Technology
摘要 为了研究青藏高原不同季节牧场牦牛的牧食行为规律,选取6头年龄、体况大致相同的成年牦牛作为研究对象,在2014年4月份和8月份分别在冬季牧场和夏季牧场上,运用GPS3300定位追踪系统,对自由放牧条件下牦牛的牧食行为进行了研究。结果表明:冬季牧场早上初牧9∶00、10∶00和下午归牧前17∶00、18∶00外界气温处于牦牛等温区内,有利于牦牛进行采食活动,而夏季牧场日平均气温的变化均高出牦牛活动的等温区(8~14℃),对其采食活动具有影响;夏季牧场上牦牛采食的空间分布由中心向四周辐射且个体间相对分散,冬季牧场上采食分布相对集中,夏季牧场上牦牛游走距离(0.29~0.80km/h)整体大于冬季牧场(0.07~0.14km/h),并且在11∶00和17∶00分别出现峰值,在12∶00游走距离最短;在监测期内(9∶00~18∶00),夏季牧场上牦牛各主要放牧行为的总体时间分配顺序依次是采食(504.90min)>行走(75.45min)>休息(55.10min),并且差异性显著(P<0.05);冬季牧场牦牛的休息时间(355.80min)显著大于采食时间(243.10min)(P<0.05)。研究结果显示,初牧和归牧前是牦牛放牧采食的剧烈活动时间,另外在夏季的中午13∶00左右也会出现一个采食高峰;牦牛的牧食行为符合晨昏活动格局,总体上表现出采食-休息(反刍)-采食的活动规律。 In this study, six yaks of same age and physical conditions were selected as the research ob-jects. The location tracking system (GPS 3300 collar) was applied with yaks for studying their grazing be-havior on summer(August) and winter (April) pastures in 2014. The classification of the yak grazing be-havior was cpmdicted based on the results of the Putfarken Et. The GPS data was andyzed with the single factor analysis of variance and the multiple comparison with Duncan using SPSS 19.0 software, the mean and standard error, the drawing and statistical analysis of the GPS data were separately atfained by profes-sional soft wares (Arcgis10. 0, Excel 2007). The results showed that the outside air temperature at Start-ing of herding (9 : 00, 10 : 00) and the end of grazing (17 : 00, 18 : 00) on winter pasture were all in the zone of thermoneutrality of yak which was beneficial to yak's feeding activity. The change of average daily temperature in summer pasture was higher than the zone of thermoneutrality of yak (8-14 ℃ ) , which has a negative influence on yak's feeding activity. The Spatial distribution of yaks is diffused from center and relatively scattered between individuals on summer pasture. On the contrary, the distribution was ex-tremely concentrated on the winter pasture. On the whole, the moving distance on the summer pasture (0. 29-0. 80 km)was found evidently higher than on the winter pasture(0. 07-0. 14 km)at different time during daytime. The peak values of moving distance on summer pasture appeared at 11 : 00 and 17 : 00 separately. However, the moving distance was the shortest at 12 : 00. The time distribution order of the major behavior on summer pasture was observed as grazing (504. 90 min) 〉walking(75. 45 min)〉 rest (55. 10 min, and the difference between these three behaviors was significant (P〈0 . 05). The rest time (355. 80 min) of yak was significantly higher than grazing time (243. 10 min)(P〈0 . 05 ) on winter pas-ture. It is concluded that the yak's grazing behavior was active at the beginning of herding and the end of grazing. In addition, there was a feeding peak during summer noon (13 : 00). Yak grazing behavior shows the pattern of morn-dusk activity. The activity routine was grazing-rest-ruminatirs-grazing.
出处 《家畜生态学报》 北大核心 2017年第2期52-57,共6页 Journal of Domestic Animal Ecology
基金 青海省科技支撑计划项目课题(2013-N-146-3) 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目(NCET-13-0261)
关键词 牦牛 牧食行为 GPS GIS 冬季牧场 夏季牧场 yak grazing behavior GPS GIS winter pasture summer pasture
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