

The Discrimination Between Reason and Desire and the Return of Rational Spirit in the Early Qing Dynasty
摘要 从宋儒到晚明先锋派文人再到清初具有反思精神的思想家,人们之于理欲观的认识经历了一个不断深化的过程。清人不仅纠正了宋儒"理欲对立"的错误,同时也批判了晚明士人在欲望上的过度放纵;既不赞成明人的"弃理从欲",同时也反对宋儒的"存理灭欲",而是主张在"以理节情"的前提下尽可能地做到理、欲调和。克服"唯理"或"唯欲"的偏激而更趋向"理欲兼顾"的中庸,"理欲之辨"也由此被逐渐导向了富有理性精神的合理化方向。 From confucian intellectuals of the Song Dynasty to the advance guard of literati of the late Ming Dynasty to the thinker with a reflection of the spirit of the early Qing Dynasty, People' s understanding of view of reason and desire constantly is deepening. They not only correct the error of opposition of reason and desire, but also criticize the desire of excessive indulgence of the late Ming scholars. They do not approve of the viewpoint "abandon reason from desire" of the Ming people, at the same time oppose the "reason existing and desire extinguishing", dvocated compromise between reason and desire under the premise of controlling desire by reason. To overcome the extreme of "only for reason" or "only for desire" and to take into account the doctrine of the mean of reason and desire. The debate of reason and desire has been gradually led to the rational direction of rational spirit.
作者 施文斐
出处 《安康学院学报》 2017年第1期22-26,共5页 Journal of Ankang University
关键词 欲的公、私之辨 存理灭欲 以“礼”代“理” 以理制欲 理、欲兼顾 the discrimination between public and private of desire reason existing and desire extinguishing with "" Li" instead of"Li" controlling desire by reason reconcile reason and desire
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