

The Evolution of the Study of the History of Chinese Modern Drama:Focusing on Professor Tian Benxiang's Research
摘要 由田本相主编、江苏凤凰教育出版社2016年5月出版的9卷本《中国话剧艺术史》代表了中国话剧通史写作的新的水平,为中国今后的话剧研究和话剧创作提供了一个据以自我定位的思想坐标。通过追踪田本相在中国话剧史研究方面的历年成果的发展变化,一方面能够展现9卷本《中国话剧艺术史》的特点,另一方面则以田本相的个案为线索,反映出中国话剧通史研究近二三十年来的演进历程。数十年来,中国话剧史研究这一学科领域经历了一些重要的转向,如文学史写法向艺术史写法的转变,平面研究向立体研究的转变,对"十七年"和"文革"时期话剧的重新重视,对当代话剧的重视,对台港澳及其他华语地区话剧的发现与重视,由机械、细碎的史料堆砌转向整体性的历史观照,历史爬梳与历史评价、当下批评相结合,等等。这些重要的中国话剧史研究变革,很多都由田本相开风气之先,并由他亲身实践或组织、指导青年学者去实践。 Edited by Professor Tian Benxiang and published in May,2016 by the Jiangsu Phoenix Education Press, A History of Chinese Modern Drama, in 9 volumes,represents a new height in the writing of the history of Chinese modern drama and provides intellectual coordinates for the self - positioning of subsequent research and creation in this dramatic genre. It is hoped that a review of Professor Tian Benxiang's achievements over the years in his research in the history of Chinese mod- ern drama can illuminate the features of this 9 - volume History and, by using him as a case study, trace the evolution of re- search in Chinese modern drama in the past 3 decades. This academic area, research in Chinese modern drama, has underg- one major shifts over the decades, such as a shift from the writing of literary history to the writing of art history, from plane to multidimensional research, a new emphasis on the drama between 1949 to 1966, a new appraisal of the drama during the Cultural Revolution, recognition of the importance of modern drama, discovery of and attention to drama in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao and other Chinese regions, a shift from a mechanical and fragmentary piling of historical data to a unified his- torical examination and a combination of historical combing with historical evaiuation and contemporary criticism, etc. Most of these transformations have been pioneered and practiced by ProfessorTian Benxiang himself or by young scholars organ- ized and guided by him.
作者 徐承
出处 《美育学刊》 2017年第1期41-45,共5页 Journal of Aesthetic Education
关键词 话剧 通史 舞台艺术 田本相 drama history stage art Tian Benxiang
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