
我国学校体育课程的“钟摆现象”管窥——基于学科向度与生活向度的二维视角 被引量:25

Scanning the Pendulum Phenomenon in the Development of Chinese Basic Physical Education Curriculum——Based on the Discipline and Life Dimensions
摘要 学科与生活是课程理论与实践的两大重要向度。作为以身体活动为特征、以全面育人为宗旨的学校体育课程,既要有学科知识的支撑,也要有生活元素的滋养。从学科向度和生活向度的二维视角对我国基础教育学校体育课程发展中的"钟摆现象"进行了总结与分析。研究认为,我国学校体育课程二维向度的"钟摆现象"在历史上表现为20世纪20~40年代的轻视学科、偏向生活,20世纪50~90年代的重视学科、偏离生活,世纪之交新课程改革的超越学科、面向生活;两极钟摆的样态特征表现为体育课程过于学科化而导致的"生活性"缺失和过于生活化而表现出的"学科性"失落;学校体育课程二维向度的钟摆现象既是社会文化规律的反映,也是体育课程发展规律的正常体现;"学科本位"是对体育课程地位的确认,"生活本位"是对体育课程价值的回归;体育课程发展过程中的钟摆现象表明,学科本位或生活本位的体育课程思想都有其合理性和局限性,只有在对立中走向统一、冲突中走向融合,才是学校体育课程发展的理想之道。 Discipline and life can be regarded as the two main dimensions for the curriculum theory system. School physical education curriculum which characterized by physical activity and aimed at comprehensive education, should not only have the support of subject knowledge, but also should have the nourishing of life element. This paper summarized and analyzed the pendulum phenome- non in the development of basic education of our school physical education curriculum from the perspective of subject and life direction of two-dimensional. The results showed that from the historical view, there is a pendulum phenomenon in physical education in our country on the dimension of discipline and life, which can be proved by the fact that discipline value was ignored but life value was emphasized in physical education field during the period from 20s to 40s in 20th century, and such condition was overturned during the period from 50s to 90s in 20th century, and the new course re- form in physical education field began to surpass discipline view and focus on life value in our coun- try; the pendulum phenomenon appeared with two styles, which means the discipline value and life value are in an unbalanced condition in physical education field; the pendulum phenomenon reflects the rule of social culture development and it is reasonable for such phenomenon to appear in physical education development; discipline standard is the status confirmation of the physical education curriculum and life standard is for the return of curriculum value; pendulum phenomena shows that the discipline standard or life standard of the physical education curriculum idea has its rationality and limitations, only in opposition to unification, conflict to fusion, is the ideal of the development of school physical education curriculum.
出处 《体育科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第2期3-15,共13页 China Sport Science
基金 国家社会科学基金资助项目(13BTY001) 江西省社会科学规划项目(14TY08)
关键词 基础教育 学校体育 课程 学科向度 生活向度 钟摆现象 basic education school physical education curriculum discipline dimension life di-mension pendulum phenomenon
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