

Research and simulation of high-speed railway base station configuration based on service volume
摘要 该文针对衰落信道,从信息流的角度,研究了加性高斯白噪声干扰场景下的信道容量、信道服务量、以及信道容量与总服务量之间的关系。从理论上推导出:在大小尺度衰落共同作用的信道,且发送功率恒定的条件下,基站间距由服务量决定,并随着列车速度v的增加而增加。通过仿真实验,对比该结论与大尺度衰落作用下的结果:在相同基站间距的条件下,同时考虑大尺度衰落和小尺度衰落时,给定单基站的平均服务量与大尺度衰落下的单基站平均服务量相比,相对差值比率小于0.2%。这意味着在实际基站间距设计中,只考虑大度衰落是有效的。 In this paper,aiming at fading channel,from the view of information flow,the channel capacity and channel service capacity in the case of additive white Gaussian noise jamming and the relationship between them are studied.It is deduced theoretically that the distance between base stations is determined by the service capacity and increases with the increase of the vehicle speed under the condition of the channel with different-scale fading of and the constant transmission power.Through simulation experiments,the results are compared with the results of large-scale fading.It is shown that under the condition of the same base station spacing comparing the average service volume of a given single base station considering both large small scale fading with that of a single base station only considering large scale fading,the relative difference value ratio is less than 0.2%.This means that in actual base station spacing design,it is effective to consider only a large scale of fading.
作者 李颖 张闯
出处 《工业仪表与自动化装置》 2017年第1期3-7,25,共6页 Industrial Instrumentation & Automation
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划项目(2012CB316100(2)) 国家自然科学基金项目(61461023) 国家科技重大项目(2010ZX03003-003)
关键词 高速铁路 衰落 服务量 信道容量 基站间距 仿真 high-speed railway fading service channel capacity base station interval simulation
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