针对传统的温室监测系统布线困难、组网复杂、工作效率低、节点生存周期短而功耗较大的问题,提出了新型低功耗无线温室监测系统设计方案。基于小功率的Zigbee技术,结合温室特点分析系统能耗,采用太阳能供电模式提高供电能力,并从硬件选型、节点多休眠等方面降低系统功耗。实验结果表明:与传统系统相比,工作功率降低了59.60%,休眠功率降低了97.65%,实现了降低系统功耗、延长无线传感器网络的生命周期的目的 ,有效地实现了对温室大棚环境的监测。
For the defects of the traditional monitoring system in greenhouse, such as difficult wiring, complex networking, low efficiency, short life cycle for nodes, large power, a design of new low-power wireless greenhouse monitoring system is proposed.Based on low-power Zigbee technology, analyzes the energy consumption of the system binding the characteristics of greenhouse, improves supply capacity using solar-power mode, and reduces power consumption through the hardware selection, multi-sleeping for node and other aspects.The results show that:compared with the traditional system, the power of the system decreases by 59.60% and 97.65% in working condition and hibernation.The purpose of decreasing the system power consumption and extending the life cycle of wireless sensor networks are achieved, it realizes the environment monitoring of the greenhouse effectively.
Techniques of Automation and Applications