
如何保障政府的积极“有为”?——兼评林毅夫“有为政府论”的社会基础 被引量:12

How to Ensure Governments to Take on Their Responsibility Positively? A Comment on the Social Foundation of Lin Yifu's Active Government
摘要 如何保障政府切实"有为"而不"乱为"呢?这是林毅夫的新结构经济学及其产业政策主张所面临的核心问题。文章基于思辨逻辑系统地考察了政府积极"有为"的社会基础及其背后的文化原因,得到了如下主要结论:(1)决策者制定和实施合理的产业政策也是根源于一种企业家精神,但这是根植于责任伦理的公共企业家精神,而不是根植于信念伦理的私人企业家精神;(2)责任伦理充分嵌入在儒家社会中,体现在"尽其在我"的责任文化之中;(3)从儒家传统中寻找智慧来培育和壮大责任伦理以及相应的公共企业家精神,就可以保障有为政府的切实"有为"。总之,根植于责任伦理,有为政府与企业家精神之间就能形成互补共进关系,进而与有效市场有机结合而促进产业升级。文章为新结构经济学及其"有为政府论"夯实了理论和社会基础,是对新结构经济学"有为政府论"的一个很好的补充和拓展。 How to guarantee the active government to take on its responsibility practically and actively rather than in chaos is the key issue that Lin Yifu's new structure economics and his industrial policy proposition face.Based on speculative logic,this paper systematically explores social foundation of the active government and culture reasons behind,and arrives at the main conclusions as follows:firstly,a reasonable industrial policy that policy-makers try to make and implement also roots in an entrepreneurial spirit,but the entrepreneurial spirit is a public entrepreneurial spirit based on ethics of responsibility,rather than a private entrepreneurial spirit based on belief ethics;secondly,the ethics of responsibility is fully embedded in the Confucian society,and is embodied in the responsibility culture of"doing it by my best and conscientiousness";thirdly,it is demanded to seek wisdom and nutrition from the Confucian tradition to cultivate and strengthen the ethics of responsibility and corresponding public entrepreneurial spirit,to ensure the active government to take on its responsibility practically and actively.In a word,based on the ethics of responsibility,a complementary and co-progress relationship between active government and entrepreneurial spirit is formed,thereby forming an organic combination between active government and effective market and promoting industrial upgrading.This paper strengthens the theoretical and social foundation for Lin Yifu's new structure economics and active government,and provides a good supplement and extension to the active government in new structure economics.
作者 朱富强
出处 《财经研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第3期4-16,共13页 Journal of Finance and Economics
关键词 有为政府 新结构经济学 企业家精神 责任伦理 林毅夫 active government new structure economics entrepreneurial spirit ethics of responsibility Lin Yifu
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