
论能海上师之佛教女性意识 被引量:1

On Master Haineng' s Buddhist Feminism
摘要 显密三藏高僧与天下第一名尼,这显然是一对极具符号差异的范畴。在当时浓重的僧俗传统男权氛围里,能海上师和隆莲法师的"高僧"、"名尼"性别符号指向的时代逆袭现象,显然极具女性主义研究价值。二者之所以能够脱俗并圆融于佛法传承与性别区隔之间,主要得益于能海上师以下三个方面迥异于时人的佛教女性意识:一者,以密智等观阴阳两性"性力"——是谓能海上师依托所专长的藏传密教教义,对两性作用在佛法成就中的各自贡献的一体认可问题。二者,以戒律求两性意识之同而存其异——同则无论性别区隔,均必须严格受戒、守戒;异则男女二部之戒律,性相不同,心行不同,故戒亦应有别;若无分别,即真不平等。故此,上师积极恢复并推行尼众的二部受戒,又倡依戒修行,特重男女界限。三者,以一体荷担僧尼二部如来家法为旨归——这里更多的系指能海上师奉行的佛教女性意识的果报,所谓佛教女众之教育、人才、寺宇、戒律等等各种成就,无不得其沾溉之良多。 The two titles "Eminent Buddhist Monk" and "the most Famous Buddhist Nun'", are aparently the signs that signifying two opposite notional categories. It is the fact of great value for Feminism study that Master Nenghai known as a "Eminent Buddhist Monk" and master disregard Longlian known as" the most Famous Buddhist Nun" what the binary opposite gender signs Monk - Nun required of them in their behaviors and thinking in a age of strong traditional male - chauvinism. I assume that there are three following aspects in the Buddhist feminist consciousness of master Nenghai, absolutely different from his contemporary people, and mainly responsible for the fact that master bienghai could be free from vulgarity while reaching the perfect harmony of gender difference and Dharma heritage. The first aspect is that with the wisdom of Esoteric Buddhism he observes "the nature powers of both genders" that is the issue of his equal respect toward both genders'contribution to dharma, in accordance with the Tibetan Buddhism teaching which he expert at. The second is that as for monastic laws he insists on see- king common points of both genders consciousness and respects their differences. The one is that monastic laws are strict for both genders; the other is that monastic laws for male and female should have differences, and properlythus said, because different genders have different natures, expressions, and activities of heart; if there is no difference, really there is no equality. Therefore master Nenghai was actively regaining and pursuing upasampada especially for Bhikkhuni sanghas. Also he calls for that gender difference must be accepted while practicing Bud- dhism according to monastic laws. The third is that he works for the good of both monks and nuns by himself. This is the retribution for the Buddhist Feminism master Nenghai adopted more than anything else. It could be said that accomplishments of Buddhist women in education, talents, tempers, and monastic laws, and so on, all owe a lot to his work.
出处 《宜春学院学报》 2017年第1期1-12,共12页 Journal of Yichun University
基金 国家社科基金项目"中国历代尼传辑录 整理及其构成要素之统计与分析性研究"(项目编号:16BZJ021)
关键词 能海上师 佛教 女性意识 Master Nenghai buddhism feminist Consciousness
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