

Product Family Design and Supplier Selection Optimization Based on Postponement Strategy
摘要 针对实施延迟策略的供应链中的产品族模块配置优化与供应商选择问题,提出一个在组装阶段延迟的产品族模块配置优化及产品定价的优化方法,并在产品族设计前端从产品族整体角度考虑来选择供应商,对供应商选择进行优化。构建遗传算法来解决所提出的0-1非线性模型,并以某品牌打印机的案例对模型和遗传算法做了说明。最后证实了在实施延迟策略的生产过程中,产品族设计与供应商选择问题之间不是完全独立的,两者之间通过模块选择相互影响。结果表明,考虑产品族模块配置与供应商选择问题的关联不仅能够减少生产的成本、降低风险,还能提高产品质量。 Target at the product family module configuration optimization and supplier selection optimization in the supply chain implemented postponement strategy,propose one optimization method of product family module configuration optimization and product pricing optimization postponed in the assemble phase,select the supplier from the point of product family whole perspective in the front end of product family design and optimize the supplier selection.Establish the genetic algorithm to solve the proposed 0-1non-linear model,illustrate the model and genetic algorithm by a case of brand printer.At last,verify that the product family design and supplier selection problems are not completely independent in the productive process implemented postponement strategy,the two influence each other by the module selection.The obtained correlation between product family module configuration and supplier selection can not only reduce the production cost and risk,but also improve the product quality.
作者 熊奕璇 杜纲
出处 《甘肃科学学报》 2017年第1期108-112,共5页 Journal of Gansu Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71371132)
关键词 产品族模块配置 延迟策略 供应商选择 遗传算法 Product family module configuration Postponement strategy Supplier selection Genetic algorithm
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