How can I describe the original perspective from which I am experiencing the world and others? Seemingly there is no problem here. What is problematic about this topic? Let us think about "my"own perspective. For me,it is the only perspective from which I can experience. It is obvious that in my experience I cannot go beyond this perspective. Nevertheless,I know that there are other perspectives that are different from mine. This means that for some reason,I know the outside of my perspective although I cannot go beyond it. How can I get acquainted with such perspectives other than mine without leaving my own perspective? This is a problem that cannot easily be solved. In this paper,I first approach this problem from the standpoint of Edmund Husserl's phenomenology. Husserl seems to answer to the question about "my"original perspective by his meditation on the "primal I"( Ur-Ich). I will analyze this strange but thought-provoking concept of ego by interpreting it as a kind of "non-contextual self. "Second,I will compare the result of this consideration of Husserl's "primal I"with the concept of "pure experience"( 纯粹经验)and "basho"( 场所) proposed by Nishida Kitaro( 西田几多郎),a Japanese philosopher who worked in the first half of the twentieth century. According to Nishida,"pure experience"precedes our ego as an individual. He notes: "It is not that there is experience because there is an individual, but that there is an individual because there is experience". I try to show that this seemingly strange idea might be necessary for our understanding of self and others.Individuals can only appear in a certain context,whereas there is a sort of experience that does not fit in any context.Nishida seems to make thorough the description of such "non-contextual"self-experience,which makes it possible for us to experience the self as an individual different from other individuals.
Fudan Journal(Social Sciences)
JSPS KAKENHI(日本学术振兴会)资助(资助编号:25370001)
primal I
pure experience