
俞樾函札收件人订补 被引量:4

The Revision and Supplement to the Recipients of Yu Yue's Letters
摘要 俞樾函札收件人的确认是重点,也是难点,张冠李戴或不知不详则严重妨碍了对函札史料的认知。俞樾函札整理中有5位误释者应予订正:"李古渔"不是湖南新化人李洵,也不是广西永福人李洵,而是江苏上元人李滨;"铁花"不是胡适父亲胡传,而是官至金华知府的冯誉骢;"纯伯"不是姚文倬,而是陆心源之子陆树藩;"米生(米孙)"不是蔡汇沧的小名,而是童宝善的号;"江小云"不是子虚乌有的江人骥,而是浙江钱塘人江清骥。有4位未知者应予确认:"澜江"是俞樾门生蒋清瑞,"子英"是光绪元年恩科举人施则敬,"茂文"是时任苏松督粮道的英朴,"梅仙"是俞樾门生邬梅仙。有8位未详者可予补充:"孟兰艇"是时任诂经精舍监院的孟沅,"陶柳门"是时任太仓州州同的陶甄,"王韬甫"是时任军机章京、官至太常寺少卿的王彦威,"许榴仙"是曾任无锡知县的许国瑞,"朱玉圃"是曾任抚州知府、江西候补道的朱澄澜,"赵君宏"是赵烈文次子赵宽(1863~1939),寿锡恭生卒年为1863~1927年,王同是俞樾门生,时任诂经精舍监院。 The key and difficult point is the identification of the recipients of Yu Yue's letters. Mistaken identity and ignorance will seriously hinder the cognition of the historical materials of letters. During the collation of Yu Yue's letters,five people have been found mistakenly identified,which should be corrected. The person called "Li Guyu"is not the Li Xun from Xinhua,Hunan,or from Yongfu,Guangxi,but the Li Bin from Shangyuan,Jiangsu. "Tiehua"is not Hu Shi's father Hu Chuan,but the magistrate of Jinhua called Feng Yucong. "Chunbo"is not Yao Wenzhuo,but Lu Shufan,the son of Lu Xinyuan. "Misheng( Misun) "is not the nickname of Cai Huicang,but the assumed name of Tong Baoshan. "Jiang Xiaoyun"is not the imaginary person Jiang Renji,but the Jiang Qingji from Qiantang,Zhejiang.There are 4 unknown people which should be identified,too. "Lanjiang"is Jiang Qingrui,the disciple of Yu Yue."Ziying"is Shi Zejing,the Juren( a successful candidate in the imperial examinations at the provincial level) of 1st year of Guangxu Emperor. "Maowen"is Ying pu,the grain tax circuit intendant of Suzhou and Songjiang of the period."Meixian"is Yu Yue's disciple called Wu Meixian. There are also eight persons whose information is available. "Meng Lanting"is Meng Yuan,the dean of Gu Jing Jing She of the period. "Tao Liumen"is Tao Zhen,the Zhoutong( vice magistrate) of Taicang at that time. "Wang Taofu"is Wang Yanwei,who was the secretary of military minister then and finally held the post of Tai Chang Si Shao Qing( director of the court of sacrificial worship). "Xu Liuxian"is Xu Guorui,the former magistrate of Wuxi. "Zhu Yupu"is Zhu Chenglan,the former magistrate of Fuzhou and the candidate of Jiangxi magistrate. "Zhao Junhong"is Zhao Kuan( 1863- 1939),the second son of Zhao Liewen. Shou Xigong lived in the year from 1863 to 1927. Wang Tong is Yu Yue's disciple,who was the dean of Gu Jing Jing She then.
作者 颜春峰
出处 《复旦学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第1期80-87,共8页 Fudan Journal(Social Sciences)
基金 全国高校古籍整理研究工作委员会重点资助项目"<俞樾全集>整理点校"(项目批准号:1352)的阶段性成果
关键词 俞樾 俞曲园 春在堂尺牍 Yuyue(俞樾) Yuquyuan(俞曲园) Chunzaitangchidu(春在堂尺牍)
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  • 1徐澂.《俞曲园先生年谱》,《民国丛书》第三编,第76册,第23页.
  • 2《春在堂诗编》卷十五,《续修四库全书》集部第1551册,第537页.
  • 3《春在堂全书》,光绪间刻本.
  • 4徐澂.《俞曲园先生年谱》,第12页.
  • 5“平治”句:语出《孟子·公孙丑下》.
  • 6“以齐王”句:语见《孟子·公孙丑上》.
  • 7“举此心”句:语见《孟子·梁惠王上》.
  • 8《宋恕集》卷六,中华书局,1993年,第562页.
  • 9《宋恕集》卷九,第806-807页.
  • 10《春在堂诗编》卷十六,第546页.












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