
青海本地生源大学生中医体质与民族相关性分析 被引量:4

Analysis on the Correlation Between TCM Constitution and Ethnic Groups of Qinghai Native College Students
摘要 目的:研究青海本地生源大学生中医体质与民族相关性,为保健养生和指导临床治疗提供新的思路。方法:选取青海大学、青海师范大学、青海民族大学本地生源大学生836例,其中汉族469例、土族61例、藏族117例、回族150例。采用文献资料、问卷调查、数理统计等方法,对836名青海本地生源大学生资料进行分析,观察不同民族与中医体质的相关性。结果:青海本地生源大学生汉族学生平和质构成比最大,其次是阴虚质、阳虚质、气虚质;土族学生阴虚质构成比最大,其次是平和质、气虚质、阳虚质;藏族学生平和质构成比最大,其次是气虚质、阳虚质、阴虚质;回族学生阴虚质构成比最大,其次是平和质、气虚质、阳虚质。女性构成比最大的体质类型是阴虚质,其次是阳虚质、平和质、气虚质;男性占构成比最大的体质类型是平和质,其次是气虚质、阴虚质、湿热质。结论:青海本地生源大学生的中医体质与性别有一定的相关性。 Objective: To study the correlation between TCM constitution and ethnic groups of Qinghai native college students, anti provide new ideas for health care and clinical treatment. Methods: Eighty hundred and thirty - six local college students from Qinghai University, Qinghai Normal University, Qinghai National University were chosen as the research suhjeets, including 469 cases of Han nationality, 61 Tu nationality, 117 Tibetan nationality, and 150 Hui nationality. By using the methods of looking up literature, questionnaires and mathematical statistics, this paper analyzed the data of 836 native students in Qinghai, and ob- served the correlation between different nationalities and TCM constitution. Results: Among Han nationality of Qinghai native col- lege students, normal constitution had the largest proportion, followed by yin de(ieieney, yang deficiency and qi deficiency cor,sti- tutions. Among Tu nationality ones, yin deficiency constitution had the largest proportion, followed bv normal constitution, qi de- ficiency constitution and yang deficiency constitution. Among Tibetan nationality ones, normal constitution had the largest propor- tion, followed by qi deficiency constitution, yang deficiency constitution and yin deficiency constitution. Among Hui nationality ones, yin deficiency constitution had the largest proportion, followed by normal constitution, qi deficiency constitution and yang deficiency constitution. For female, yin deficiency constitution had the largest proportion, followed by yang deficiency constitu- tion, normal constitution and qi deficiency constitution. For male, normal constitution had the largest proportion, followed by qi deficiency constitution, yin deficiency eonstitution and damp - heat constitution. Conclusion: There is a certain correlation be- tween TCM constitution and gender in Qinghai local college students.
作者 赵学慧
机构地区 青海大学医学院
出处 《河南中医》 2017年第2期276-278,共3页 Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 青海大学医学院大学生科技创新课题基金资助项目(编号:xskt201421)
关键词 青海 中医体质 民族 性别 Qinghai local college students constitution of traditinnal Chinese medicine nationality sex
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