
医院暴力不良事件分析与防控对策探讨 被引量:3

Analysis of Violent Events in Hospital and Strategies of Prevention and Control
摘要 目的通过对医院场所暴力事件进行分析,探讨改善措施,为减少医院暴力事件及保障医务人员安全提供依据。方法对不良事件报告系统中的医院场所暴力事件进行回顾性分析。结果 82例暴力事件心理暴力占67.07%,身体暴力占32.93%;医疗相关问题引起的暴力事件占31.71%、护理问题引起的暴力事件占8.54%、患方原因占18.29%、医院流程与管理方面占41.46%。结论鼓励暴力事件报告并关注隐患事件分析;制订应急预案、加强重点人群培训,特别是防暴自卫技能;通过流程改善缩短就医等待时间等。 Objective To analyze violent events in hospitals so as to explore its countermeasures, provide evidence on its reduction and ensure the safety of medical personnel. Methods A retrospective analysis was conducted on the violent events in hospitals in the adverse event reporting system. Results Among the 82 cases, psychological violence accounted for 67.07%, and 32.93% were physical violence; 31.71% were caused by medical related issues, 8.54% were caused by nursing related issues; 18.29% were caused due to patients, and 41.46% were caused to hospital management and procedures. Conclusion Hospital have to encourage the report of violent events and pay more attention to potential events, develop contingency plans, strengthen the training, especially self-defense skills, and shorten the waiting time by improving procedures.
出处 《医院管理论坛》 2017年第1期10-12,共3页 Hospital Management Forum
关键词 医院 暴力 不良事件 Hospital Violence Adverse events
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