
基于设计的工程教育(DBL)模式创新 被引量:20

Innovation on Design-based Learning(DBL)Model for Engineering Education
摘要 在回归工程实践的国际工程教育浪潮中,将真实工程世界体验嵌入工程教育的全过程是重要发展趋势。本文植根工程创新的技术与社会背景,认为工程教育必须植根于以"全方位友好、无边界协作、大尺度融合、大规模定制"为核心特征的"创新设计"语境,建构基于设计的高等工程教育模式(Design-Based Learning,DBL)。本文在追述PBL、PBCL、CDIO等前沿工程教育实践基础上,提出了以设计流为主线的工程教育模式创新,并分别从理念维、过程维与支撑维等三个层面对DBL进行模式构建。本文最后通过对新加坡科技设计大学大设计工程教育模式的验证性案例分析,进一步验证了DBL模式的应用前景。 In the tide of returning to engineering practice in international engineering education, it is an im- portant trend to embed the real experience in engineering world in the whole process of engineering education. Based on technical and social background of engineering innovation, we believe that engineering education must be rooted in the context of creative design with core features all-round friendliness, border-less collaboration, large-scale integration, mass customization and Design-based Learning (DBL) should be developed for higher engineering education. In this paper, on the basis of the leading practice of engineering education, we put forward innovation on engineering education model using design flow as the main line, and construct DBL from three aspects: concept dimension, process dimen- sion and support dimension. At the end of this paper, we further prove the application prospect of DBL by analyzing confirmatory case of the great education model for design engineering in Singapore University of Technology and Design.
出处 《高等工程教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第1期17-23,共7页 Research in Higher Education of Engineering
基金 教育部人文社科项目工程人才培养专项(16JDGC015) 国家自然科学基金青年项目(G030703) 浙江省软科学项目(2016C25055)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 设计 工程教育 DBL
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