
陌生人、客人还是顾客:博物馆中的观众体验 被引量:5

Strangers, guests or clients? Visitor experiences in museums
摘要 本文讨论了博物馆面向观众的三种不同态度:(1)“陌生人”态度指的是博物馆的首要责任是藏品而非公众;(2)“客人”态度指的是博物馆出于使命感,试图借助教育活动和制度性的学习目标,把工作做得更好;(3)“顾客”态度指的是在社会思潮的督促下,博物馆调整自身的态度和实践以对观众负责。换句话说,当前的博物馆应该认识到,并有义务来理解和达成观众的需要、期望与诉求。同时,在史密森尼学会下属9个博物馆案例分析的基础上,将观众在博物馆中最常见、最主要的体验方式分为四种类型。(1)“社交体验”:聚焦于一个或多个观众;(2)“实物体验”:首要关注展品是复制品还是原件;(3)“认知体验”:强调体验的诠释与智识层面;(4)“内省体验”:由实物或场景而触及的自我反思。最后,谈及博物馆环境与“服务景观”,以探究其对观众体验的影响。 This paper discusses three different attitudes that museums hold towards their visitors: (1) "Strangers": This attitude arises when the museum believes that its primary responsibility is to the collection and not to the public. (2)"Guests": From this point of view, the museum wants to do good for visitors out of a sense of mission, primarily through education activities and institutional defined learning objectives.⑶ "Clients": This paper suggests that social trends will force museums to adopt attitudes and behaviors in which the museum is accountable to the visitor. Institutions will then acknowledge that visitors, as clients, have needs, expectations, and want that the museum is obligated to understand and meet. Based on empirical research conducted in nine different Smithsonian museums, the paper also discusses four major categories that describe the types of experiences that individuals prefer and find most satisfying in museums. (1)"Social Experiences" center on one or more other people, besides the visitor. (2)"Object Experiences" give prominence to the artifact or the real thing. (3)"Cognitive Experiences" emphasize the interpretive or intellectual aspects of the experience. (4)"Introspective Experiences" focus on the visitor’s personal reflections, usually triggered by an object or a setting in the museum. The paper concludes with a brief discussion of the museum settings and "Servicescapes", that support or detract from the experiences of visitors.
出处 《科学教育与博物馆》 2017年第1期59-66,共8页 Science Education and Museums
关键词 博物馆 陌生人 客人 顾客 观众体验 museums, strangers, guests, clients, visitor experiences
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