
中国文学外译中“直译”表现形式的差异性及时代因素——以赛珍珠与罗慕士的翻译为例 被引量:1

The Different Forms of Literal Translation for Chinese Literature in Different Times:Based on a Comparative Study of Pearl S.Buck's and Moss Roberts' Translations
摘要 赛珍珠与罗慕士分别在20世纪30年代和80年代"直译"了中国经典小说《水浒传》和《三国演义》,体现出贴近原文、忠实传达汉语文化内涵的共同特点,但存在明显"差异"。具体体现在以下四个典型方面:专有名词的转化、连动结构的处理、提示语的添加和注释的使用。对比分析发现赛译努力再现原语表达及文化意象在汉语读者中产生的反应和效果,而罗译在贴近原文语言结构的基础上相对灵活,较多考虑目标语读者的接受能力。本研究显示:对外译介中国经典文学,同样是积极保留原语文化的"直译",在不同的时代呈现出对"接受度"不同的关注点,不同表现形式也反映了时代特征。 The thesis is a comparative study of translations of Shuihuzhuanand Sanguoyanyi by Pearl S.Buck and Moss Roberts respectively with a view to shedding some light on how literal translation presents itself in different forms.The two translations,both faithful to their own original texts,differ in the four following aspects:adaptation of proper nouns,serial verb constructions,and use of contextual cues and annotations.It can be found that Pearl's translation endeavors to re-present the original effect of the Chinese expressions and cultural images on the Chinese readers while Moss' translation gives more attention to the ability of the target language readers to understand the source language culture although it is still close to the source linguistic structure.The study concludes that the literal translations of Chinese classics,with the same aim of preserving the source language culture,may have different forms in different eras,which seem to reflect different characteristics of their historical backgrounds.
作者 董琇
出处 《同济大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第1期114-124,共11页 Journal of Tongji University:Social Science Edition
关键词 中国文学 直译 差异性 时代因素 赛珍珠 罗慕士 Chinese literature literal translation different forms different times Pearl S.Buck Moss Roberts
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