目的:了解上海市公共卫生临床中心潜伏性结核感染(LTBI)比例,评价活化特异结核感染T淋巴细胞斑点试验(TSPOT.TB)筛查人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染者/获得性免疫缺陷综合征(AIDS)患者、结核病患者、其他疾病就诊患者LTBI的可行性。方法:上海市公共卫生临床中心自2012年7月至2015年12月以来收治7 482例患者,其中HIV感染者/AIDS患者1 837例、结核病患者1 689例、其他疾病就诊患者3 956例,分别进行TSPOT.TB,筛查可能的LTBI者,并采用结核分枝杆菌涂片实验和X射线胸部透视(胸透)进一步证实。结果:HIV感染者/AIDS患者、结核病患者和其他疾病就诊患者中TSPOT.TB阳性者分别为301例(16.39%)、928例(54.94%)和1 509例(38.14%),并且结核分枝杆菌涂片实验结果均为阴性,而且经胸透结果证实。结论:活化特异TSPOT.TB筛查HIV感染者/AIDS患者、结核病患者、其他疾病就诊患者LTBI的方法可行,并且对HIV感染者/AIDS患者开展LTBI的检测非常重要。
Objective To understand the ratio of latent tuberculosis infection(LTBI) in Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center and to define the feasibility of using TB infection T cell spot test(TSPOT. TB) to detect LTBI in patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome(AIDS), TB and other diseases. Methods Altogether 1 837 patients with HIV/AIDS, 1 689 patients with TB and 3 956 patients with other diseases in Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center from July2012 to December 2015 were examined by TSPOT. TB test to screen LTBI. Furthermore, TB acid-fast stain smear and chest X-rays were used to confirm the results. Results The positive rates of TSPOT. TB were 16.39%(301/1 837), 54.94%(928/1 689) and 38.14%(1 509/3 956) respectively in HIV/AIDS patients, TB patients, and patients with other diseases.Mycobacterium TB acid-fast stain smear was negative and confirmed by chest X-ray. Conclusions TSPOT. TB assay is feasible for screening LTBI in patients with HIV/AIDS, TB and other diseases, and screening of LTBI in HIV/AIDS patients is very important.
Journal of Internal Medicine Concepts & Practice