This paper analyzes the modes and features of Internet and new media education in American colleges and universities. Research shows that the new media education in US adopts a interdisciplinary model, the features of which are as follows: cross-fostering with careful planning and clear targets; modularization of curriculum, reinforcing basis and specifying majors with autonomy; integrating various resources with high pertinence; diversing teaching and assessment; teachers come from different professional backgrounds with rich practical experience. Using the American experience for reference, we propose the following suggestions for the Internet and new media education in China: separate major setups, guide the modularization of curriculum; carry out inter disciplinary cultivation, accelerate integration of disciplines and resources; foster new media ways of thinking and emphasize details; carry out elicitation methods of teaching and foster students' creative abilities; strengthen cooperation between schools and enterprises, establish extensive cooperative relations with enterprises.
Journal of Guangxi Vocational and Technical College
Internet and new media majors, new media talents, mode of cultivation