长链非编码RNA(lncRNA)是一类长度大于200 nt的非编码RNA基因,在生物体内具有重要的生物学功能,近年来逐渐引起人们的重视。利用生物信息学预测流程,可以从RNA-seq测序数据中发现大量的lncRNA基因。迄今为止,已在果蝇、家蚕、褐飞虱等11种昆虫中发现了47 049个lncRNA基因。目前lncRNA的分类标准尚未统一,有的根据其在基因组上的位置进行分类,有的根据其长度大小进行分类,也有的根据其功能进行分类。研究发现,大量的lncRNA在果蝇形态转变的关键时期、小菜蛾抗药性品系、褐飞虱高繁殖力种群及埃及伊蚊感病毒细胞中高水平表达,显示其在昆虫变态发育、抗药性形成、繁殖力和抗病毒中具有重要的功能。lncRNA还参与调控昆虫剂量补偿效应、睡眠行为、性别决定等重要生命活动过程。本文简要综述了lncRNA的分类、预测、昆虫lncRNA的发现、昆虫lncRNA功能研究的最新进展。
Long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) is a class of non-coding RNA gene with a length 〉 200 nt. LncRNA has important biological functions in vivo, and has attracted increasing research interest in recent years. There are currently no universal classification criteria for lncRNA which is classified on the basis of length, genome location, or function. Bioinformaties prediction pipelines for lncRNA are well established and a huge number of lncRNA have been identified from the RNA-seq data. So far, 47 049 IncRNA genes have been identified from 11 insects, including Drosophila melanogaster, Bombyx mori and Nilaparvata lugens. Some lncRNAs have been found to be highly expressed during the critical period of morphological change in D. melanogaster, the insecticide-resistant strain of the diamondback moth Plutella xylostella, a high fecundity population of Nilaparvata lugens, and dengue virus serotype 2 infected ceils of Aedes aegypti. This suggests that lncRNA may perform important roles in regulating metamorphosis, development, insecticide resistance, viral resistance, and reproduction. It has also been reported that lncRNAs are involved in the insect dosage compensation effect, sleep behavior and sex determination. Here, we briefly review progress in research on the classification, identification, discovery, and function of lncRNAs.
Chinese Journal of Applied Entomology