

Two Proved Cases of “Recipe-Medicine” Treatment to Exogenous Cough Guided by WANG Xu's “Principle-Methods”
摘要 王煦教授认为临证最关键的是"理、法、方、药"要一致,只有正确的理和法,才能正确指导用药;理和法是辨证得出的。提出"理、法"指导"方药",无论西医诊断明确与否,无论案例如何罕见,始终坚守"辨证论治,理-法-方-药"的思想。认为外感咳嗽,迁延失治,反复发作,耗损正气,转为内伤咳嗽,久咳必伤脾及肾,肺不伤不咳,脾不伤不久咳,肾不伤不喘,病久则咳喘并作,滋补肝肾,益气健脾,辨证论治,治病求本,收效良好。附肺肾两虚,脾弱-咳嗽、风寒袭肺-咳嗽验案。 Professor WANG Xn believed that what is the most important about clinical practice is that the four aspects must be consistent, namely, Medical Science, Law, Prescription and Medicine. Only appropriate Medical Science and Law can guide Prescription and Medication. Actually, the two aspects come from analyzing and differentiating syndromes. We come up with this theory and will always stick to it, no matter whether the diagnosis of western medicine is clear, and no matter how rare the cases are. We think exogenous cough, if delayed and untreated, will attack repeatedly and consume vital Qi. What is worse, it will turn to endogenous cough. If the person coughs for a long time, it will cause damage to his spleen and kidney. It is recognized that a person will not cough if his lung is good; he will not cough for a long time if his spleen is good; he will not gasp if his kidney is good. On the contrary, if the person is really ill for a long time, he will cough and gasp. In that case, we must nourish his liver and kidney, replenish Qi to invigorate the spleen, analyze and differentiate syndromes. The treatment of disease must concentrate on the principle cause of it, and only in that way can we get a good result.Attach proved cases about: deficiency of both the lung and kidney; spleen-weakness and cough; windcold attacking lung and cough.
作者 苏玉梅
出处 《实用中医内科杂志》 2017年第1期8-9,41,共3页 Journal of Practical Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine
关键词 外感咳嗽 辨证论治 理法方药 肺肾两虚 脾弱 风寒袭肺 王煦 老中医经验 中医药治疗 exogenous cough treatment based on syndrome differentiation principle-method-recipemedicines deficiency of both the lung and kidney spleen-weakness wind-cold attacking lung WANG Xu the experience of veteran doctors of TCM traditional Chinese medicine treatment
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