
数据如何驱动设计——以回龙观社区品质提升为例 被引量:7

Data Drives Design: Huilongguan Community Improvement
摘要 当前,大数据和开放数据共同构成了城市规划的新数据环境,以"人迹地图"时空分析平台为代表的新数据平台的出现,为规划行业提供了开展城市研究和规划设计的新数据资源与分析工具。文章以"人迹地图"时空分析平台为基础,提出数据增强设计指南,结合回龙观地区功能优化规划研究,利用LBS定位数据、公交IC卡数据以及微博语义、POI等其他数据资源,从交通出行、职住通勤、就业结构、空间特征、设施品质、人群活力和情感语义等角度对回龙观地区的空间品质与活力进行量化剖析,并通过与望京的对比,分析回龙观在各个方面存在的不足,据此提出针对性的解决对策。 Nowadays, big data and open data together contribute to the new data environment for city planning. Data platform such as "human track map" provide new resources and analysis tools for planners. This paper introduces data enhanced design in functional optimization planning of Huilongguan district. With LBS positioning, bus IC, Weibo, POI and other data sources, this paper conducts a quantitative study on the spatial quality and vigor of Huilongguan district from transport mode, commuting, employment structure, spatial feature, environment quality, and vitality. Compared with Wangjing district, Huilongguan district has weakness and needs improvement.
出处 《规划师》 北大核心 2017年第2期81-89,共9页 Planners
关键词 功能品质 量化指标 数据增强设计指南 人迹地图 Function and quality Quantitative index Guidelines to data enhanced design Human track map
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