
新课堂:表现性学习与评估一体化 被引量:39

New Classroom:Integration of Performance-based Learning and Assessment
摘要 创新即表现。新课堂就是促进学生创新学习、发展学生创新人格、提高学生创新素养的课堂。表现性新课堂以表现性任务为学习的中心,经由获取、释义、生成、表现和评价这五个步骤构成一个循环往复的表现性学习环。创设表现性任务、构建评价量表、鼓励合作探究等环节,是表现性学习与评估一体化的实践要略。 Innovation is performance. The new classroom aims to promote students' innovative learning, develop their innovative personality and improve their creative ability. Performance-based learning regards the performance task as the focus of learning, and goes through a performance-based learning cycle, which consists of acquiring, paraphrasing, generating, performing and assessing. The strategies of integration of performance-based learning and assessment lie on producing performance tasks, constructing assessment rubrics, encouraging cooperative inquiry and so on.
作者 肖龙海 管颐
出处 《课程.教材.教法》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第3期18-23,共6页 Curriculum,Teaching Material and Method
基金 全国教育科学"十一五"规划教育部重点课题"表现性学习研究"(DHA100260)
关键词 创新人格 新课堂 表现性学习与评估 教学评一体化 innovative personality new classroom performance-based learning and assessment integration of teaching&learning and assessment
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