对上海市青浦工业园区土壤中的7种重金属含量进行了调查,并依据HJ/T 350—2007展览会用地土壤环境质量评价标准(暂行)对调查结果进行了评估。结果显示:砷、铜、锌、镍中有部分样品超过A级标准,表明这些重金属的浓度受到了场地人为活动的影响。重金属含量垂直分布的结果显示,调查区内重金属的垂直分布分为3个类型:汞、锌、铜在表层土壤中浓度较高,表明这3种重金属的主要来源为大气沉降,且其迁移能力较弱;砷、铬、镍在深层土壤中浓度较高,其中砷和镍受到人类活动影响,且其迁移能力较强,而铬的分布符合自然规律;铅浓度未受到周边场地活动的影响。
The concentrations of seven kinds of heavy metals in the soil of Shanghai Qingpu industrial park were inves- tigated, The results were assessed by the Standard of Soil Quality Assessment for Exhibition Sites: HJ/T 350-2007. Results showed that the concentrations of As, Cu, Zn and Ni in some samples were exceeded the A-level, indicating that the concentrations of these heavy metals were affected by the human activities around the site. The vertical distribution of heavy metals in the study area was divided into three types. Hg, Zn and Cu were mainly enriched in the surface soil, indicating that the main source of these heavy metals was atmospheric deposition and their migration ability was weak. The concentrations of As, Cr and Ni were higher in the deep soil, which meant that As and Ni were affected by human activities and their migration ability was stronger, However, the distribution of Cr was in accordance with the law of nature. The concentration of Pb was not affected by the surroundings.
Environmental Sanitation Engineering
heavy metal
industrial park
environmental investigation