[目的 /意义]在知识经济时代,智库承担着知识创新、知识传播的关键作用,是国家和社会进步与发展的动力之源。研究美国智库的核心竞争力可以为中国智库的研究和发展提供有益参照。[方法 /过程]本文从跨学科的视角切入,以"智力资本"理论和"公共政策舆论场"理论为框架,分析指出美国智库的核心竞争力源于其强大的智力资本,智力资本由人才资本、传播资本与制度资本三大要素构成。人才资本是美国智库思想创新的源泉和基础,传播资本是智库实现影响力的途径,制度资本则为两者的实现提供了切实制度保障。制度资本分为宏观和微观两部分,宏观层面是指智库所处的政策环境,微观层面主要是指智库保持独立性的机制。[结果 /结论 ]美国智库的发展兴盛及其影响力实现得益于其高素质的人才、全方位的传播策略、完善的政策环境,正是这些因素为其发展提供了土壤、空间、动力和基础。
[Purpose/significance] In the era of information economy, think tanks play an important role in knowledge innovation and diffusion, and become the driving force for national and social development. The study of the core competency of American think tanks provides valuable experience for the growth of think tanks in China. [Method/process] From an inter-disciplinary perspective, this paper concluded under the theoretical framework of "intellectual capital" and "the public opinion field of public policy" that the core competencies of American think tanks came from their strong intellectual capital, which consisted of talents, communication and institution capitals. Talents capital was the source of intellectual innovation for American think tanks and communication capital served as the way to exert think tanks’ influence, while the realization of these two relied on the institution capital. Institutional capital could be analyzed from both the macro and micro levels. The macrolevel referred to the policy environment and the micro-level was mainly about the mechanism for think tanks to remain their independency. [Result/conclusion] The prosperity of American think tanks and their influence are attributed to high quality talents, the all-round communication strategy and developed policy environment, all of which provide the source, space, impetus and foundation for their growth.
Think Tank:Theory & Practice
think tank
core competency
intellectual capital