目的了解2008—2015年钟山县艾滋病免费抗病毒治疗人群治疗前的基本特征,分析艾滋病检测与治疗"一站式服务"模式工作效果,为改进艾滋病患者相关干预、监测及管理工作提供参考。方法利用国家"艾滋病综合防治信息系统——抗病毒治疗管理"数据库收集2008—2015年接受免费抗病毒治疗患者入组时的基本情况表,建立Excel数据库,并使用SPSS18.0软件进行分析。结果 727例患者中男性484例(66.57%),女性243例(33.43%),男女性别比为1.99:1。最小18岁,最大84岁,平均年龄(46.69±14.24)岁,以≥55岁组患者最多,占32.19%。传播途径以异性性传播最多94.91%。治疗前基线CD4淋巴细胞平均值为(228.41±209.77)个/μL,53.33%的患者CD4淋巴细胞<200个/μL,59.62%的患者临床分期属早期(Ⅰ/Ⅱ),52.13%的患者在确认阳性后1月内入组ART。实施检测与治疗"一站式服务"后,治疗前基线CD4淋巴细胞计数平均值由(154.26±142.77)个/μL提升到(269.57±228.98)个/μL,临床分期属早期比例由59.62%提高到70.66%,均比实施前明显提高,确认后1月内入组ART比例由20.16%提高到84.72%,确认至入组ART时间明显缩短。结论应加强对中老年人的宣传干预,实施检测与治疗"一站式服务"模式后患者可以尽早实施抗病毒治疗,应继续实施。
Objective To understand the essential characteristics of AIDS patients before receiving antiretroviral treatment(ART),and evaluate the effectiveness of "one-stop service" model of HIV testing and treatment,so as to provide the referencefor improving HIV/AIDS-related intervention,monitoring and management in Zhongshan County,Guangxi Zhuang AutonomousRegion from 2008 to 2015. Methods The basic information of patients who were enrolled for ART from 2008 to 2015 wascollected through the National AIDS Comprehensive Prevention Information System- Antiretroviral Treatment ManagementDatabase and analyzed statistically by using SPSS 18.0 software.Results There were 484 male cases(66.57%) and 243 femalecases(33.43%) among all the 727 patients. The sex ratio was 1.99:1. The average age was(46.69 ±14.24)(from 18 to 84) yearsold. The patients of ≧55 years old occupied the most(32.19%). The heterosexual transmission was up to 94.91%. The averageCD4 counts were(228.41 ± 209.77)μL before ART,and there were 53.33% of the patients whose CD4 counts were below200 μL. Totally 59.62% of the patients were at the clinical stage(Ⅰ/Ⅱ),and 52.13% of them received initial ART within onemonth when they were confirmed as HIV positive. The average baseline CD4 counts of the patients were raised from(154.26±142.77) μL to(269.57±228.98)μL after receiving "one-stop service". The percentage of clinical stage rose from 59.62% to70.66%. The proportion of the patients who accepted ART within one month after HIV confirmation increased from 20.16% to84.72%. Conclusion The "one-stop service" model of HIV testing and treatment is effective and it should be implementedcontinuously.
China Tropical Medicine
antiretroviral treatment
essential characteristics
one-stop service model