

Female Role in the New Life Movement during the War of Resistance against Japan—Taking Woman's Steering Committee as the Subject
摘要 1936年初,新生活运动促进总会成立,下设妇女运动指导委员会,作为妇女新生活运动的领导结构。时值内外交困,国民政府对新运女性的定位有着"国家人"和"家庭人"双重角色期待;抗日战争全面爆发后,各路女界精英加入妇女指导委员会,在妇指会的领导下,广大女性在基层服务、保育难童、生产指导等工作中都扮演了积极的角色,在扩展职业空间、追逐政治角色等层面也激起相当的波澜。女性角色在社会文化的塑造中形成,作为新生活运动乃至抗战时期最重要的妇女团体,妇女指导委员会是研究战争文化下女性角色定位、国民意识,以及女性社会参与与角色生成、角色自致之间内在关系的一个重要平台。 At the beginning of 1936, the Promotion Association of New Life Movement was founded which consisted the Woman' s Sports Guidance Committee as the leading structure of Woman' s New Life Movement. At the critical moment, the country faced many troubles internally and externally and had great expectation for women : Nanjing national government hoped women could play dual role of "national people" and "family". After the outbreak of the War of Resistance against Japan, more women elites joined the Woman' s Steering Committee, and under the leadership of the committee, women played a positive role in many works, such as taking part in basic services, giving conservation to refugee children, and guiding work teams, and they also aroused considera- ble waves in extending occupation space and chasing the political role. The role of women was shaped in the so- cial culture. As the most important woman' s group in the New Life Movement and the War of Resistance against Japan, the Woman' s Steering Committee is an important forum for the study of woman' s role, national con- sciousness, and the relationship between the participation of women in society and the generation and acquisition of the role.
作者 周钰
机构地区 安徽大学历史系
出处 《海南热带海洋学院学报》 2017年第1期78-85,共8页 Journal of Hainan Tropical Ocean University
关键词 新生活运动 女性 角色 妇指会 New Life Movement female role Woman' s Steering Committee
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  • 2首都禁止男女烫发.新运总会会刊,1935,16(2).
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  • 5新运在福州.新运月刊,1936,35(7).
  • 6广州强制执行取缔奇装异服消息.妇女月报,1935,1(9).
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