
企业网络嵌入可以高枕无忧吗——基于中国上市制造业企业的考察 被引量:66

Can Network Embedded Enterprises Rest Easy:A Research Based on the Listed Manufacture Enterprises in China
摘要 企业网络嵌入可以高枕无忧吗?本文以我国2006-2013年沪深上市制造业企业为研究样本,基于企业网络嵌入与企业生产率视角考察了我国制造业企业是否存在网络嵌入的资源诅咒效应。1企业网络嵌入可以为企业获取和利用各方资源提供便利,但与此同时网络的互惠排他性、嵌入惰性、机会主义行为等又可能侵蚀企业的网络嵌入利益。研究发现,企业过度的网络嵌入可能阻碍企业生产率的提升,同时本文实证分析了企业网络嵌入阻碍效应的作用机制:(1)过度的网络嵌入致使企业间信息冗余,并且模仿与追随效应使过度投资行为更为严重;(2)维系企业间网络嵌入关系必然使企业面临协调网络中诸方利益等问题,使企业付出超额成本费用;(3)网络资源丰裕的企业会更趋于强调市场运营能力,进而导致企业在创新投入方面资源分散并产生挤出效应,最终长期来看不利于企业生产效率的提升。 Can network embedded enterprises rest easy? It's an empirical question that needs to be tested. In this research we use manufacture enterprises that listed in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock market in the period of 2006 to 2013 as research samples, and based on the perspective of enterprise network embeddedness we test the potential resource curse effects of network embeddedness for their productivity. In recent years the importance of network embedded- ness has been emphasized in academia and business studies, but the explanations mainly tend to focus on the positive effects and biasedly underestimate the negative effects of embeddedness. Several prior researches have shown that enterprises' network embeddedness can provide opportunities for enterprises to explore and exploit valued network resources and information. At the same time, however, the potential mechanisms of mutual exclusivity, embedded inertia, and opportunism behaviors have the propensity and possibility to erode the enterprise embedded benefits. Considering not only the resourc- es and information, but also the network capabilities of enterprises are not equally distributed in the entire network, it is necessary to study the specific effects of resources, information and capacities among the subnetworks. Our study finds that excessive network em- beddedness may hinder the enterprises' productivity improvement. Furthermore, the empirical analyses illustrate three mechanisms of network curse effects: (l) excessive network embeddedness leads to information redundancy among enterprises, and the imitate-follow effects meanwhile make excessive investment behavior more serious- ly; (2) in order to maintaining the relationship with other enterprises in the network, enterprises have to pay more attention to the problems such as interests coordination and conflict negotiation, subsequently leading to more extra unnecessary cost; (3) enterprises with abundant network resources may tend to concentrate on the market operational activities rather than R&D incentives, resulting in less intension of technical innovation investment and higher degree of resources de- centralization, finally impeding further productivity improvement.
作者 李德辉 范黎波 杨震宁 Li Dehui Fan Lib Yang Zhenning(School of Business, University of International Business and Economies School of Public Administration, University of International Business and Economics)
出处 《南开管理评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第1期67-82,共16页 Nankai Business Review
基金 国家社科基金项目(16BGL022)资助
关键词 网络嵌入 生产效率 过度投资 维系成本 创新挤出 Network Embeddedness Overinvestment MaintainingCost Innovation Extrusion
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