

The investigation and disposal on a sporadic epidemic of human rabies in field
摘要 目的通过对河南省濮阳县某农村一起人间狂犬病散发疫情进行现场调查与处置,总结提出规范的调查与处置工作流程。方法对河南省濮阳县报告的一起人间狂犬病散发疫情进行现场调查与处置,分别进行流行病学调查、现场消杀、防控知识宣传、工作总结评估,同时开展肇事犬追踪和疑似病例搜索。最后提出人间狂犬病疫情综合防控措施,及对疫情处置效果进行评估。结果经现场核实,报告病例为临床诊断狂犬病病例。成立了疫情调查处置队伍,分流行病学调查2人,现场消杀1人,防控知识宣传1人,工作总结评估1人。列出疫情处置所需物品清单,对疫点及有关物品、用具进行消毒,无一犬伤多人情况,未搜索到疑似病例,采取发放宣传单、村内广播等形式进行了狂犬病防控知识宣传。经狂犬病常见潜伏期2~3个月后,无新发病例出现。结论狂犬病等人兽共患病疫情的规范处置应包括响应准备、现场处置、总结评估3个阶段。 Objective To summarize and present the normative procedure for the disposal of epidemic of zoonosis such as rabies by the investigation and disposal on a sporadic epidemic of human rabies in field in a countryside of Henan Province. Methods A sporadic epidemic of human rabies reported in Henan was investigated and disposaled, included epidemiological investigation, epidemic monitoring information collection, disinfection in epidemic focus, health education propaganda, carried out at tracking on source of infection, hunt for suspected cases. The comprehensive prevention and control measures were presented, epidemic disposal effect was evaluated in the end. Results The human rabies case was clinicafly diagnosed case, The investigation and dis- posal team was organized, there were two persons on epidemiological survey, one person on disinfection, one person on the health education propaganda, one person on summary and evaluation. The required materia was list, disinfection for related arti- cles, tools was performed, there was no other people exposed to the same dog, and no suspected cases was found. Leaflets for rabies control were provided to the people in the village, other prevention and control knowledge was propagandized by village broadcast. No new case was reported after 2 to 3 months, a average incubation period of rabies, in the countryside. Conclusion There should be three stages in the normative procedure for the disposal of epidemic of zoonosis such as rabies: response and preparation, investigation and disposal in field, summary and evaluation.
作者 孙建伟 许汴利 崔维江 苏瑞美 李幸乐 SUN Jianwei XU Bianli CUI Weijiang SU Ruimei LI Xingle(Henan Province Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Zhengzhou450016, China)
出处 《医学动物防制》 2017年第3期258-260,共3页 Journal of Medical Pest Control
基金 河南省医学科技攻关计划项目(201503193)
关键词 狂犬病 人兽共患病 散发疫情 规范处置 Rabies Zoonosis Sporadic epidemic Normative procedure for the disposal
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