针对测井电缆信道不理想性导致系统发生码间干扰误码率增大的问题,本文基于最小均方误差(Least Mean Square,LMS)算法设计变步长自适应均衡器补偿电缆的衰减特性,并建立完整的测井系统仿真验证该均衡器的有效性,同时实现模块FPGA硬件设计。实验结果表明,系统能够完整运行,且均衡器达到良好的均衡效果,减小系统误码率,提高系统性能。
The transmission characteristic of logging cable is bad, which causes the inter-symbol interference and increases the error rates of system. This paper designs an adaptive equalizer based on LMS algorithm to solve the problem. In order to test performance of the proposed equalizer, this article establishes a complete well-logging system and designs equalizer with FPGA. The results show that the system can run completely, and the equalizer can compensate the attenuation characteristics of the cable and improve the performance of system effectively.
Electronic Design Engineering