适用了20余年的摩尔定律近年逐渐有了失灵的迹象。从芯片的制造来看,7 nm是否硅材料芯片的物理极限。不过据外媒报道,劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室的一个团队打破了物理极限,采用碳纳米管复合材料将现有最精尖的晶体管制程从14 nm缩减到1 nm。那么,为何说7 nm就是硅材料芯片的物理极限,碳纳米管复合材料又是怎么一回事呢?面对美国的技术突破,中国应该怎么做呢?
About more than 20 years of Moore's law in recent years, there have been signs of failure. From the point of view of the manufacture of the chip, 7 nm is the physical limit of the silicon chip. However, according to foreign media reports, Laurence, a team of the National Laboratory of Berkeley broke the physical limit, the use of carbon nanotube composite material will be the most sophisticated transistor process from 14nm to 1 nm. So, why 7 nm may be the physical limit of silicon chips, and carbon nanotube composite material is how the same thing? What should China do in the face of technological breakthroughs in the United States?
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