
维生素D促进钙吸收的传播内容与临床试验证据对比分析 被引量:3

The comparison between disseminating content and clinical evidence on vitamin D promoting calcium absorption
摘要 目的根据临床试验结果合成证据,分析有关保健产品、网上信息及相关专业教材关于维生素D促进钙吸收内容的科学性。方法通过Pub Med、Cochrane CENTRAL、Sino Med收集有关临床干预试验文献,产品信息在某购物网站,健康教育信息在百度搜索引擎收集,教材在北京大学医学部图书馆检索并提取。结果合成598人、37组临床试验数据,维生素D补充前后,钙吸收率变化0.421%(95%CI:-1.875~1.033)。14/30产品功效宣称、14/97网页内容传播"不补充维生素D钙不能很好吸收"的信息,51部营养学教材均只陈述"维生素D促进钙吸收"的内容。结论现有临床干预试验证据说明维生素D补充剂对钙吸收率没有影响,产品功效宣称和网上健康教育有关信息存在不科学的误导,营养教材有关知识陈旧。 Objective To analyze health care products, internet data and professional textbooks whether their content that vitamin D supports calcium absorption is scientific or not, based on synthesized proofs of clinical trials. Methods Clinical trails were searched through PubMed, Coehrane CENTRAL and SinoMed systems, product prescriptions were cho- sen from a famous online shopping site, healthy educational information were referred by Baidu online searching engine, and textbooks were filtered and borrowed from the library of Peking University Health Science Center (PKUHSC). Results 598 samples from 37 clinical trials data were synthesized. The variation o~ calcium absorption rate was 0.421% (95% CI: -1. 875 -1. 033). 14/30 product prescriptions declaim as well as 14/97 Internet pages disseminated that calcium absorp- tion could not be fully functional without vitamin D. Furthermore, 51 nutritional professional textbooks literally only intro- duced vitamin D supports calcium absorption. Conclusion Currently available clinical intervention trials prove that vitamin D supplementation has no positive effect on fractional calcium absorption. Either nutritional products prescriptions or online encyclopedia exposes unscientific content which misleads the mass. Moreover, the related knowledge in professional nutri- tional textbooks is so obsolete that urge to update.
作者 石昊昱 李可基 房爱萍 SHI Hao-yu LI Ke-ji FANG Ai-ping.(Department of Nutrition and Food Hygiene, School of Public Health, Peking University, Beijing 100191, China)
出处 《中国健康教育》 北大核心 2017年第1期40-44,共5页 Chinese Journal of Health Education
关键词 维生素D 临床试验 健康传播 内容分析 Vitamin D Clinical trials Health communication Content analysis
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