
低温条件IASBR处理养猪沼液脱氮性能研究 被引量:1

Nitrogen removal from digested piggery wastewater by intermittently aerated sequencing batch reactors at low temperature
摘要 以实际养猪沼液为研究对象,考察分步进水间歇曝气序批式生物反应器(IASBR)在低温条件下的脱氮性能.结果表明:IASBR反应器的硝化性能临界水温为10℃,水温低于10℃时硝化性能急剧下降,水温10℃以上时氨氮去除率达到90%以上,且水温15℃以上氨氮负荷极限可达到0.30 kg·m^(-3)·d^(-1);低碳氮比(COD/TN)1.7±0.3条件下,反硝化性能临界水温为20℃,20℃以上时TN去除率可保持在80%以上,最高达90%,20℃以下时脱氮效率明显降低,出现亚硝态氮积累现象.此外,IASBR反应器脱氮除磷效率高,温度对TOC和TP去除率的影响不敏感.不排泥条件下,进水COD/TN为3.1±0.4时,TN去除率高达90%以上,TOC和TP去除率分别高达83.6%±3.9%和58.5%±17.8%;随后COD/TN降低至1.7±0.3后,TN去除率仍高达80%以上,TOC和TP去除率仅略有降低分别为77.3%±4.6%、53.1%±10.1%. This study was conducted to study the nitrogen removal performance of the step-feed intermittently aerated sequencing batch reactor( IASBR)technology applied to treat digested piggery wastewater at low temperature. The results show that the critical temperature to efficient nitrification was 10℃.The ammonia nitrogen removal efficiency was higher than 90% when the temperature was above 10℃,but significantly decreased when the temperature was reduced. In addition,the ammonia nitrogen loading rate was up to 0. 30 kg-NH4^+-N·m^-3·d^-1when the temperature was above 15℃. The critical temperature to efficient denitrification was 20 ℃ at a low carbon-nitrogen ratio( COD/TN) of 1.7±0.3. The TN removal efficiency was more than 80%,even up to 90%,when the temperature was above 20℃,but it decreased significantly when the temperature was below 20 ° C with nitrite accumulation in the effluent. Furthermore,the IASBR achieved higher nitrogen and phosphate removal efficiencies. The temperature did not affect TOC and TP removals.At influent COD/TN of 3.1 ± 0. 4,TN was removed by above 90%,with TOC and TP removal efficiencies of 83. 6% ± 3. 9% and 58. 5% ± 17. 8%,respectively. When the influent COD/TN was decreased to 1.7±0.3,the TN removal was still above 80%,and the TOC and TP removal efficiencies were slightly reduced to 77.3% ±4.6% and 53.1% ±10.1%.
作者 宋小燕 刘锐 董宝刚 川岸朋树 陈吕军 SONG Xiaoyan LIU Rui DONG Baogang KAWAGISHI Tomoki CHEN Ltijun(Department of Environment in Yangtze Delta Region Institute of Tsinghua University, Zhejiang, Zhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Water Science and Technology, Jiaxing 314006 Aqua development center, Mitsubishi Rayon Co. Ltd., Toyohashi 4408601 School of Environment, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084)
出处 《环境科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第3期1013-1020,共8页 Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae
基金 浙江省重大科技专项(No.2014C03022) 嘉兴市科技计划项目(No.2015AY23004) 三菱丽阳MRC合作项目~~
关键词 IASBR 养猪沼液 低温 氨氮负荷 碳氮比 intermittently aerated sequencing batch reactor digested piggery wastewater low temperature ammonia nitrogen loading carbonnitrogen ratio
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