
中美亚太“主导权”竞争:认知差异及化解之道 被引量:9

Analysis of the Sino-U.S. Leadership Competition in the Asia-Pacific Region:Cognitive Differences and Solutions
摘要 中美两国在亚太地区是否出现主导权竞争,两国政府和学界对此存在不同认知。美国方面非常关注亚太地区主导权,认为两国主导权竞争存在很强的结构施动性,主要与中美两国的结构性权力冲突有关。而中国方面则谋求规避主导权竞争。不过中美亚太主导权竞争更多取决于美国方面而很难以中国的单方面意志为转移。中美亚太主导权竞争尽管并非中国所愿,但美国强烈的霸权意识和对中国的不信任推动中美之间陷入主导权竞争困境。关于中美亚太主导权竞争的原因主要存在权力转移、规则竞争和政策互动三种看法,竞争的主要内容涉及经济竞争、安全竞争和朋友竞争,对双边关系、地区局势和全球格局都具有深远影响。对于中美亚太主导权竞争的化解,关键在于中美两国能否对主导权的共享性达成共识。中美亚太主导权竞争并不一定导致两国关系持续恶化,通过"以竞促合",存在构建共同体、大国协调、共同领导等多种化解之道,而从"大国协调"迈向"共同领导"则最为可能。 Whether the two countries compete for leadership in the Asia-Pacific region, the two governments and academic circles have different cognitive. The United States is very concerned about the leadership in the Asia-Pacific region, the compete for leadership between the two countries mainly related to structural power conflicts between the two countries. While China has deliberately avoid lead- ership competition. However, The leadership competition between the two countries more depends on the will of the United States and it is difficult for China to shift. China and the US leadership competi- tion in the Asia-Pacific region mainly to power shift, rules competition and policy interaction, the main content of the competition involving economic, security and friends, which has far-reaching influence on bilateral relations, regional and global landscape. Although China don't want Sino-U.S. leadership competition in the Asia-Pacific region, the hegemony consciousness of the United States strongly and mistrust of the Chinese lead leadership competition dilemma between China and the United States. For the Sino-U.S. leadership competition in the Asia-Pacific region to resolve, the key is whether the two countries can reach a consensus on share leadership. Sino-U.S. leadership competition in the Asia-Pacif- ic region does not necessarily lead to deterioration of relations between the two countries, there are community, power coordination, common leadership and other ways to resolve, and from "power coor- dination" to "common leadership" is the most likely.
作者 凌胜利 Ling Shengli
出处 《社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第3期12-23,共12页 Journal of Social Sciences
基金 国家社科基金青年项目"中美亚太‘主导权’竞争及其影响研究"(项目编号:16CGJ013)的阶段性成果
关键词 中美关系 主导权 亚太地区 Sino-U.S. Relations Leadership Asia-Pacific Region
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