
加拿大约克大学教学支持和发展中心及其启示 被引量:3

Teaching Support and Development Center of York University in Canada and Its Enlightenments
摘要 约克大学在加拿大综合实力名列前茅,学校十分重视教学质量和教师专业发展,为此专门建立教学支持和发展中心,为全校师生提供丰富的教学和专业发展支持活动,帮助教师提升教学技能和教学质量,实现卓越教学。实践表明,约克大学教学支持和发展中心在教师教学能力的提升、专业发展、教学学术研究以及研究生助教培训等方面发挥十分重要的作用,为高质量的本科生和研究生教学提供强有力的支持。文章通过对约克大学教学支持和发展中心建设情况的梳理,期望国内高校可以借鉴其成功的经验,推动我国高校教师发展专业机构的建设和完善。 York University in Canada is among the best from the perspective of comprehensive strength,and it attaches great importance to the quality of teaching and teacher professional development.Therefore,it established Teaching Support and Development Center particularly in order to provide rich teaching and professional development support activities for teachers and students and help teachers improve teaching skills and teaching quality,thus achieving teaching excellence.Practices have shown that Teaching Support and Development Center in York University has played very important roles in teaching ability promotion,professional development,teaching research and postgraduate teaching assistant training,and provided strong supports for high quality teaching of undergraduate and graduate students.Through combing the service projects carried out by Teaching Support and Development Center in York University,it is expected that universities and colleges in China can learn from its successful experiences and promote the construction and improvement of the professional teacher development institutions in China.
作者 马桂花 MA Gui - hua(College of Arts, Xi' an International University, Xi' an 710077, China)
出处 《黑龙江高教研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第2期78-81,共4页 Heilongjiang Researches on Higher Education
关键词 加拿大 约克大学 教学支持和发展中心 启示 Canada York University teaching support and development center enlightenment
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