基于丙氨酸 /ESR剂量测量技术 ,利用IAEA/IDAS剂量核验提供服务 ,对保证辐照产品质量和促进辐照加工产业化发挥了重要作用。本文研究和讨论了剂量核验技术 ,它涉及基本概念、模体、误差。
On the bases of alanine /ESR dosimetry technique, the services provided by using dose check under IAEA/IDAS play an important role for assuring the quality of irradiation products and facilitating the industrialization of radiation processing. The dose check technique is investigated and discussed in this paper. It refers to basic concept, phantom, errors, action level and some technical details of quality control in dose check.
Shanghai Measurement and Testing