
从文化反思到自我表述:清末“回耶对话”再考察 被引量:1

From Cultural Reflection to Self-expression: A Reconsideration of the Dialogue between Muslims and Christians in the Late Qing Dynasty
摘要 宗教对话是增进互相理解和尊重,建立宗教间良性互动关系的主要渠道。清朝末期,云南伊斯兰经学大师马德新、马联元针对基督教的宣教攻势,写下《据理质证》和《辨理明证语录》,积极回应并与传教士展开宗教主张、宗教理论层面的学术争辩,开启了中国的"回耶对话"。学术界对这场宗教对话进行了多维度研究,但对其发生的内在原因解读不足。文章通过对清末"回耶对话"这一文明对话个案发生原因的深入分析,指出文化的空间相遇与频繁互动是对话的前提,承认对方存在的价值是对话得以实现的核心基础,强烈的文化反思、自觉意识和自我表述的愿望是对话的动力源泉,开放的学术视野和文化心理是对话得以实现的重要条件。 Dialogue is the main channel to promote mutual understanding and respect, and to establish benign and interactive relationships between religions. At the late Qing dynasty, two masters of the Islamic studies of Yunnan Dexin Ma and Lianyuan Ma, took the initiative to write "the rationale for cross-examination" and "argument for clear evidence quotations", and actively responded the missionaries by launching religions arguments and academic religious theory controversies. Thus, they started the history of the dialogue between Muslims and Christians. Although the academic analysis of the dialogue between Muslims and Christians in this period has been multidimensional, the exploration of the internal causes for its appearance is rare. Through the deep analysis of the caus- es of the dialogue in the late Qing Dynasty, the article points out that the cultural encounter and frequent interaction is the premise of dialogue, recognition of the fundamental beliefs of the other side is the core basis for the realization of dialogue, strong cultural reflection, self-awareness and desire of self-expression is the driving force of dialogue, opened academic vision and cultural psychology is an important condition for the realization of dialogue.
作者 马佳
机构地区 南京理工大学
出处 《西北民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第1期167-172,共6页 Journal of Northwestern Ethnic Studies
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目“刘智《天方性理》的整理、翻译及研究”(15AZJ005) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目“伊斯兰教云南学派回儒会通思想研究”(AE1500-23)的阶段性成果
关键词 马德新 马联元 回耶对话 再考察 Dexin Ma Lianyuan Ma Dialogue between Muslims and Christians reconsideration
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