
四川省部分农村地区食品经营者食品安全知识 行为 态度调查

Investigation on the food safety knowledge,attiude,behavior among rural operators in Sichuan province
摘要 目的了解四川省部分农村地区食品经营者食品安全意识和食品安全现状,为进一步促进农村地区的食品安全提供科学依据。方法采用分层整群抽样的方法抽取四川省南充、自贡、眉山、资阳4个市12个乡的所有食品经营者为调查对象,采用自设问卷进行食品安全现状及意识调查。结果被调查的171人中,仅13.5%的调查对象知道怎样识别假冒伪劣产品,17.5%的调查对象表示认识绿色食品标志,68.4%的调查对象有习惯看食品生产日期和保质期。不同特征的调查对象对食品安全知识知晓率比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),其中以高学历和中青年调查对象掌握的食品安全知识占比较高。调查还显示,45.6%的调查对象承认在进货时会遇到假冒伪劣食品;在明知食品有问题时,26.3%的调查对象会采取不理会继续销售的行为,38.6%的调查对象选择经协商退货或投诉。35.7%的调查对象对工商部门检查食品安全质量工作的总体评价为差。结论四川省部分农村地区食品经营者食品安全意识仍较薄弱,尤其是针对低学历和年龄较大者,且经营者对执法部门认可度不高。因而,需加强经营者的食品安全意识和社会责任感,提高执法部门的工作效率。 Objective Providing scientific basis for the further promoting food safety by understanding the food safety awareness and situation of the food operators in some rural areas in Sichuan province. Methods With the method of stratified cluster sampling and questionnaire self-designed, we extracted all the food operators of 12 towns in Nanchong, Zigong, Meishan, Ziyang as the respondents to investigate the food safety awareness and situation. Results The survey showed that with a total population of 171 people,only 13.5% of respondents knew how to identify counter products, 17.5% of respondents said that knew about the symbol of green flag, 68.4% of respondents used in food production data and shelf life.Different characteristics respon- dents had different awareness rate of the food safety, the difference had statistical significance (P〈0.05), and higher education and young and middle-aged respondents had more higher constituent ratio.The survey also showed that 45.6% respondents admitted sometimes they would encounter fake and shoddy food, 26.3% of respondents would continue to ignore the problem and 38.6% of respondents chose to return or complaint consultation. The rest of 35.7% respondents held a bad impression of the work of checking food safety and quality in the business sector overall assessment. Conclusion Food operators still contain eak awareness of food safety in some rural areas in Sichuan, especially for the low education, the elderly people and they have low recognition on law enforcement. Thus,food operators need to improve awareness of food safety, social responsibility and the efficiency of law enforcement.
出处 《现代医药卫生》 2017年第5期679-681,685,共4页 Journal of Modern Medicine & Health
基金 四川省基层卫生事业发展中心项目(SJWF1342)
关键词 食品检查 乡村卫生服务 问卷调查 四川 食品安全 经营者 安全意识 农村 Food inspection Rural health services Questionnaires Sichuan Food safety Operator Food safety awareness Rural
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