
四川省32县大骨节病控制和消除评价结果分析 被引量:10

The Evaluation Result Analysis of Control and Elimination of Kaschin-Beck Disease in 32 Counties of Sichuan Province
摘要 目的评价四川省大骨节病病情和防治措施效果,为实现"十二五"规划目标提供数据和资料。方法对32个病区县5年内开展2次病情调查,按照随机抽样原则每个县抽取5个病区乡(不足5个者全部抽取),在每个病区乡抽取3个病区村作为调查村(不足3个者全部抽取),对调查村全部7~12岁儿童进行临床检查和右手正位X线检查,收集调查村大骨节病防治措施落实情况,开展大骨节病控制和消除评价县级自评;省级随机抽取符合条件的病区县进行复核。结果32个县所有调查的病区村近5年内2次病情调查7~12周岁儿童无临床病例,X线阳性检出率≤3%,无手部骨端改变病例;大骨节病防治工作组织管理得分均在85分以上。省级抽查的16个县结果与县级自评结果基本相符。结论四川省32个大骨节病病区县均达到病区消除标准。 Objective To evaluate the condition and the effect of prevention and control measures of Kaschin -Beck disease (KBD) in Sichuan province, to provide data and information for the realization of " 12th Five - Year" planning objectives. Methods 32 counties carried out the investigation of KBD 2 times within 5 years. Se- lected five epidemic townships in each county randomly ( less than five were all selected), selected three epidemic villages as the investigation spots in each township (less than three were all selected), children aged 7 - 12 in all investigation spots were detected clinically and had X - ray examination of right hand, collected data of control and prevention measures for KBD. Counties carried out self - evaluation of KBD control and elimination evalua- tion, and the provincial health administrative departments randomly selected counties to review that whether they conformed to the conditions or not. Results There was no clinical case in inrestigated children at the age of 7 to 12 years, X- ray positive rate was no more than 3%, no bone changes of hand positive case was found, and KBD prevention and control work organization management scores were more than 85. In addition, the results of provincial review in 16 counties were consistent with the results of county level self - evaIuation. Conclusion 32 counties of Sichuan Province have all achieved the elimination standard of KBD.
作者 黄慧 李富忠 杨小静 李津蜀 邓佳云 杨文 秦胜超 朱润懋 刀吉 张义梅 王志伦 刘贵平 陈虹 李锋 HUANG Hui LI Fuzhong YANG Xiaojing LI Jinshu DENG Jiayun YANG Wen QIN Shengchao ZHU Runmao DAO Ji ZHANG Yimei WANG Zhilun LIU Guiping CHENG Hong LI Feng(Sichuan Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Chengdu 610041, Sichuan Province, China Aba Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Ma'erkang 624000, Sichuan Province, China Ganzi Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Kangding 626000, Sichuan Province, China Ya'an Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Ya'an 625000, Sichuan Province, China Bazhong Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Bazhong 636600, Sichuan Province, China Guangyuan Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Guangyuan 628000, Sichuan Province, China.)
出处 《预防医学情报杂志》 CAS 2017年第4期355-360,共6页 Journal of Preventive Medicine Information
关键词 大骨节病 控制 消除 评价 Kaschin - Beck disease control eliminate evaluate
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