
狯胡居地与维吾尔语地名qajlur 被引量:1

Kuaihu Residence and Toponymy of Qajlur Named in Uyghur Language
摘要 汉文史籍所载狯胡之"狯"及羯胡之"羯"均为qaj的译音。qaj是操用印欧语系东伊朗语支语言的部落,是公元前176年在匈奴右贤王的打击下由河西走廊西迁至龟兹周边地区的大月氏的一部,其先民战国时分布在内蒙古自治区西南、宁夏回族自治区北部、陕西省北部和山西省西北部。自东汉永嘉年间以降直至东晋时,以上党、武乡、羯室为中心广泛活动于北方地区的羯胡,与龟兹地区的这一支狯胡同宗同源。汉武帝时有龟兹贵人名"姑翼",便是qaj的对音。东晋太元八年(383年),狯胡曾应龟兹国王帛纯之请抵御吕光所率前秦军队的进攻。唐贞观二十年(646年),有龟兹国大将羯猎颠等曾拥众五万"逆拒王师",其名中的"羯猎"二字便是qajlur的对音。现今沙雅县城西25里的海楼乡(qajlur jez?s?)以及库车县和轮台县名为qajlur的村庄均是其居地。qajlur的语义正是"狯人"(羯人)或"狯(羯)部落之民众"。5世纪末,狯(羯)胡为嚈哒属部。自8世纪中叶以降,隶属于葛逻禄集团。《突厥语大词典》的记载表明,其民众直到11世纪70年代仍保留着自己的语言,尚处于兼用突厥语的阶段。 "Kuai" of Kuaihu in Chinese historical records(including Jiehu' s Jie) was the transliteration of qaj. Qaj was a tribe using Eastern Iranian languages of Indo-european, and 176 B.C. it belonged to one of DaRouzhi forced to migrate westwards from Hexi Corridor to Kucha' s surroundings owning to the Hun' attack under Worthy Prince of the Right. His ancestors in the Warring States period was nowadays the southwestern Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, the northern Ningxia Hui Autonomous Regi northwestern Shanxi(山西) Province. Since the Yongjia period Dynasty, the Jiehu lived in Shangdang, Wuxiang and Jieshi came on, the northern Shanxi(陕西) Province and the of Eastern Han Dynasty down to the Eastern Jin from the same place with Qiuci's Kuaihu. In the reign of Emperor Hanwu, there was a Qiuci nobleman named Guyi which should be qaj' s transliteration. In the eighth year of Taiyuan reign period of the Eastern Jin Dynasty(383), Kuaihu was asked by Kucha' s king BoChun( 帛纯) to resist the attack of the Former Qin' s army led by LiuGuang. At the twentieth year of Emperor Tai Zong of the Tang Dynasty(646 years) , historical records show that a great general of Qiuci whose name was Jielleidian(羯猎颠) held the fifty thousand army to inverse Tang dyansty' s army. Jiellei should be the transliteration of qajlur. Nowadays Qajlur Jezs away from the western Shaya county about 12 km and the villages named for Qajlur in Kucha county and Luntai county were their places of residence. The semanteme of Qajlur was just about "Kuai ren" or "populace of Kuai tribe". At the end of fifth Century, Kuai(Jie) Hu attached to Yada tribe. Since the middle of eighth Century, Kuai(Jie) Hu belonged to Geluolu tribe. "Turkic dictionary" records show that the public had still retained their own language but spoken Turkic language until the 1170s.
作者 李树辉 LI Shu-hui(Institute of Language, Xinjiang Academy of Social Sciences, Urumqi 830011, China)
出处 《语言与翻译》 CSSCI 2017年第1期26-31,共6页 Language and Translation
关键词 狯胡 羯胡 qaj qajlur 源流 Kuaihu Jiehu Qaj Qajlur origin
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