
老年中期照护及其进展 被引量:2

Intermediate Care for the Aged and Its Development
摘要 人口老龄化问题是国际和国内关注的重点,无论是医疗服务机构还是各级养老机构,都在积极探索老年人健康服务的新思路。目前,一种新型的医疗照护方式,即中期照护正在国际兴起。其主要目标是:促进患者及时出院、避免不必要的再住院及减少入住长期照护机构的需求。而中期照护在中国内陆地区尚处于起步阶段,其在国内的应用价值、开展流程等尚需进一步探索。 The problem of aging of population is the focus of the current international and domestic attention. Both the medical service institutions and pension institutions at all levels, are actively exploring the new way of health services for the elderly. A new model of medical care( the intermediate care) is emerging now. Intermediate care's main objectives is to pro- mote the timely discharge of the patients, to avoid unnecessary readmission and to reduce the need for long-term care institu- tions. Currently the intermediate care in China is still in its infancy, the application value and operational process of which still need to be further explored.
作者 谢娟 邓辉胜
出处 《医学综述》 2017年第5期935-938,943,共5页 Medical Recapitulate
基金 国家临床重点专科建设项目(国卫办医函〔2013〕544号)
关键词 中期照护 人口老龄化 老年综合评估 Intermediate care Population aging Comprehensive geriatric assessment
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