
外语课堂有效教学的着力点与评估标准——第七届“外教社杯”高等学校英语教学比赛综合组赛况评点 被引量:24

Points of departure and evaluation criteria of effective classroom teaching
摘要 第七届"外教社杯"高等学校英语教学比赛综合组的比赛与往届相比出现了一些期待中的变化,但还缺乏令人眼前一亮的突破性进展。比赛过程中相当数量的选手在课堂教学中存在着"程式化"、"幼稚化"、"表演化"以及"语言能力弱化"等问题。作者指出,有效的外语课堂教学需要教师艺术地处理好几对重要的关系:(1)语言技能训练、主题知识拓展和批判性思维能力训练之间的关系;(2)教师讲解、引导和启发与学生讨论、互动之间的关系;(3)教材内容与课外学习资源之间的关系;(4)课堂教学与学生课外学习之间的关系。课堂教学应该为课程目标服务。不同的教学目标需要教师灵活地调整课堂教学的侧重点,精心设计"殊途同归"或"一举多得"的各类教学活动。 At the 7th SFLEP College English Teaching Contest, the performances of the contestants in the Comprehensive Class Group did not show any significant differences compared with previous contests. Some of them stuck to some fixed teaching procedures, and seemed to act from a prewritten script, having no clear objectives, and treating the college students as if they were toddlers. The author of this paper proposes that, to make classroom instruction effective, teachers need to carefully design the objectives and match the classroom activities with the objectives. A balance should be kept between the following relationships : (1) the relationship between language skills, thematic knowledge and critical thinking skills; (2) the relationship between teacher presentation, student discussion and interaction ; (3) the relationship between designated textbook material and supplementary material; and (4) the relationship between students classroom learning and self-learning outside the classroom. Classroom teaching serves curricular objectives. Teachers should organize the classroom activities to serve different levels and different aspects of the objectives, showing flexibility and shifting focuses in accordance with the objectives and the different needs of the students.
作者 束定芳
机构地区 上海外国语大学
出处 《外语教学理论与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第1期49-52,共4页 Foreign Language Learning Theory And Practice
关键词 外语 课堂教学 有效教学 评估标准 foreign language classroom teaching effective teaching evaluation criteria
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