
敦煌本《珠英集·帝京篇》作者考实 被引量:4

A Textual Study on the Author of the Dunhuang Document,“On Imperial Capital” from the Collection of Zhuyin
摘要 《珠英集》全名《珠英学士集》,是唐武后时参与编修《三教珠英》诸人的诗歌选集。其书宋以后散佚,直到敦煌藏经洞开启,发现斯坦因2717号、伯希和3771号两件残卷,研究者才得以复睹本书原貌。其中,斯2717号《珠英集》第一首《帝京篇》作者阙名,一直未见研究者探讨。本文从考实《帝京篇》的性质入手,通过考实作者范围,进而考实作者,认为:《帝京篇》系和韵诗,和的应是李百药《帝京篇》的韵,作者应为李百药的曾孙李羲仲。当时武周新立不久,李羲仲作为文学之士,应参加编修《三教珠英》盛事,其撰《帝京篇》,和曾祖李百药旧韵,目的是歌颂新朝帝京繁华,矜己家学渊源有自。 The Collection of Zhuyin, the full name of which is the Collection of Zhuyin Scholars, is a collection of selected poems of the scholars and poems who participated in the edition and compilation of Sanjiao Zhuyin (Poems of Confucian, Taoist and Buddhist Scholars) during the reigning time of Empress Wu Zetian in the Tang dynasty. The book was lost since the Song dynasty. It was not until the discovery of the Library Cave in which two fragmental manuscripts, S. 2717 and P. 3771, were found that researchers were able to have a glimpse of the original version of the book. The author of the first poem, "On Imperial Capital" in the version ofS.2717 re- mains unknown, and no research has been done to this issue. This paper first studies the nature of the poem "On Imperial Capital" and locates the author, and then specifies its author. It considers that "On Imperial Capital" is a poem rhyming with "On Imperial Capital" written by Li Baiyao, and its author should be Li Xizhong, the great-grandson ofLi Baiyao. It was not long after the Zhou regime was established by Empress Wu Zetian that, as a literati, Li Xizhong should have participated in the grand event of compiling the Poems of Confucian,Taoist and Buddhist Scholars. He wrote the "On Imperial Capital" rhyming with the one written by Li Baiyao with the aim to eulogize the prosperity of the Imperial Capital of the new regime and to boast his' family tradi- tion of learning.
作者 王素 WANG Su(Palace Museum, Beijing, 100009 Institute of Ancient Books and Traditional Culture, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875)
出处 《敦煌研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第1期87-90,共4页 Dunhuang Research
关键词 《珠英集》 斯2717号 《帝京篇》 李百药 李羲仲 Collection of Zhuyin S.2717 On Imperial Capital Li Baiyao Li Xizhong
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